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Thread: Comment on design...

  1. #1
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
    Zoffix Znet is offline at 40 posts I am a Junior Guru
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    Talking Comment on design...

    Hello, I'm pretty much finished with my site's design... only a few things that I want to add, like guest book and a counter, don't have much time to write those...

    So, any comments on design (as in how I could improve it and not "this site looks ugly" kind of comments) are very welcome
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  2. #2
    trickyBizzness's Avatar
    trickyBizzness is offline Certified Glow Sage
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    i think it is a very nice simple design. You need to add a footer maybe or something to finish the page.


  3. #3
    andychev's Avatar
    andychev is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Ok this may sound really dumb or pointing out the obvious and there is probably a good reason for it that i dont know of but why when i move my mouse over the side links do they disapear to text then take a while to come back?

  4. #4
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
    Zoffix Znet is offline at 40 posts I am a Junior Guru
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    Default Where?

    Where on my site?? They shouldn't
    What browser and what version|?
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  5. #5
    andychev's Avatar
    andychev is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    see atached screen shots. The first one is just running my mouse up and down those three links (although the same is true of all of them) the second shot is what happens if you wait for the 'rollover' image.

    So put simply it goes from the basic menu, you put your mouse over and it goes to text then you wait about a second and it goes to the rollover image.

    Using IE6, SP2
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails pic1.jpg   pic2.jpg  

  6. #6
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
    Zoffix Znet is offline at 40 posts I am a Junior Guru
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    Question No idea...

    I have no idea why this is happening on your box, I've tested in ies4linux and in VMWare, also 3 more people running Windows natively didn't see that problem... I have no idea how it can occur since the actual images look like this and on mouse over I just shift it... unless you are running an extremely slow box or got a lot of spy-ware/viruses I have no explanation for that.... are you seeing that on a Windows box? What version and how long ago did you reinstall it?
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    It happens to me too because the images load after the unordered list text does. You should preoload those images or load your unordered list last perhaps.

    Its only momentarily until the images load though on my PC
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  8. #8
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
    Zoffix Znet is offline at 40 posts I am a Junior Guru
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    Default Huh?

    Huh? that's the way it should be, once the page is loaded everything works... why would I want to preload them, heh.
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

  9. #9
    andychev's Avatar
    andychev is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    It is defo about a second between the main image and the roll over image being loaded for me, its quite a wait. You dont preload the images? this is always something i have done when using roll overs or in effect they have to be loaded when the mouse is over the image which will cause the lag.

    Create a function:function
    preloadImages() { if (document.images) {
    menuitem1 = newImage("images/menuitem1.gif");
    preloadFlag = true;

    then in the body tag put


    I dont think there is anything wrong with my machine :s , although a while since it has been formatted it is by no means slow, Ath 2700, 512mb etc internet connection is 8mb.........................ten minutes later

    Just tried it on 4 laptops which all have clen installs of windows, ie6 sp2 and it is the same on all of them too.
    Last edited by andychev; 11-09-2006 at 03:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
    Zoffix Znet is offline at 40 posts I am a Junior Guru
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    Question :s

    I don't have a second image! I don't really understand what is happening for you I don't need any JS to "preload" any images since as I have told you there is _no_ second image <<-- that is an original button _and_ a rolledover button all in one image that gets loaded while the page loads. I don't understand why this is happening to you. Do you wait until the entire page loads before trying to roll anything over? As I have told you I don't see the problem and neither do other people except for you... therefore I have no idea how I could fix it. There is _nothing_ loaded upon rollover _nothing_ at all.
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

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