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Thread: CSS Problems and Solutions

  1. #1
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
    Zoffix Znet is offline at 40 posts I am a Junior Guru
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    Lightbulb CSS Problems and Solutions

    Ello, this thread is for posting problems with CSS. N00bs: google it first!!! Don't ask why position: absolute positions relative to the window and not the parent and such!... I would expect IE issues in here most of the time...

    If someone knows a fix for IE 7 idiotic font scaling, please let me know, thanks.
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  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    So why does position:absolute; position reletive to the window and not to the parent?

    Why don't you give us a good example of what you mean by idiotic font scaling.
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  3. #3
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
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    Angry :s

    Because you didn't position the parent

    As for example.. go to ANY page say in IE 7 and press CTRL-+ (scale the font) why is it scaling the entire page along with images instead of only the fonts... whoever coded that is a complete idiot I wonder if somebody else types for him.
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

  4. #4
    Scott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoffix Znet View Post
    ... IE 7 and press CTRL-+ (scale the font) why is it scaling the entire page along with images instead of only the fonts
    OMG, I just noticed that, that is disgusting! Have you found a work around for that yet?

  5. #5
    jmarcv's Avatar
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    why is it scaling the entire page along with images instead of only the fonts...
    Who said its a font scaling function? You are calling someone an idiot because you don't understand the function. Not nice!

    Thats 'view/text size'.

    That feature is page zoom and is really meant for printing, which has been troublesome in IE forever..

  6. #6
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
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    Default Zomg!

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott View Post
    OMG, I just noticed that, that is disgusting! Have you found a work around for that yet?
    No I haven't

    That is the dumbest and the most broken feature of the MS software that I have seen. How did they even come up with this?
    To "zoom in the page" they just double all the values, what is the point? It breaks 99% of the pages. I can't belive that did it like that.

    Thanks anyhow for clarifying it to me.

    P.S.: They are still idiots
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

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