I understand now! I only have a simple brain and get easily confused!
As far as the ongoing tables/css thing goes the absolute technicalities are far beyond me! I couldnt argue it either way even if i tried!
I would love to have in depth knowledge of just one thing but there just arent enough hours in the day or space in my brain! I have a wide range of knowledge across a lot of things i dont have the time to 'learn' one particular aspect in depth. Projects i currently have ongoing include php, sql, perl, javascript, coldfusion and asp and i am often doing them all at some point in any one day!Everyone has their skills, zoffix is amazing at css and i do take note of what you have to say i think you have a hard time in here sometimes! You stand your ground well though! My situation is that i am self employed and i know from my experience that if you scale a programming language from one to ten you are better of knowing ten languages to level 5 than knowing one to level 10. This is just what i have found over the years working for myself, it means you can take on more work and 9/10 be able to say you can do something instead of turning it down.
Zoffix, you are clearly very good at learning a particular language in depth. If this is what you want to do as a career? programming etc, and want to make big money (correct me if i am worng) people dont look for specific css programmers? But i think it is a great skill to be able to learn a language in depth so if you can learn one of the languages that there is a shortage in then you will make big big money!
Yeah, I have an IQ way above average which means (and proven on practice) that I can learn something twice as fast as an average person. Yes, I don't think anybody is looking for CSS programmers that can only do CSS. I've coded in Pascal (in school), C++, Python, took a glance at Assembly language as well, and currently learning Perl (I'm an "advanced n00b" right now) along with some JavaScript, planning to learn JavaScript and PHP next. Considering that I am only 20 years old I'm doing fine so far
CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS. http://zoffix.com