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Thread: [Email] Email Limits - How many emails per hour?

  1. #21
    AuroraStorm is offline Practically a Glow Sage
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    Sep 2010


    Your tickets are making absolutely no sense to me and all I'm doing is getting more and more frustrated with Glowhost. You took my site down with this message that I've exceeded some type of email bandwidth - I have no idea how something like that happened when I don't even use that account to associate with the site and now you "think" my account may or may not have been hacked but you want me to look into hacking software that you sell? Seriously - what the hell.

    Tell you what - I'm going to show all of this to a co-worker who works in IT and see what he thinks and maybe I can get some answers as to what is going on and what I need to do about it.

  2. #22
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
    Join Date
    Jul 2007



    The matter is that your VBulletin installation faced some DB problems and numerous email messages were sent reporting about it. Thus, the number of emails allowed per hour was exceeded by your account in a short time and it was disabled by server's firewall to avoid spam incidents. Please, see the updates in the ticket.

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