I have a dedicated server. when logging in to whm or cpanel from chrome or firefox I would get "your connection is not private" page which I would use the advance page to get to the login screen. I never gave it much thought.

Years pass and I want to set up a small e-commerce site. So I install Prestashop on a domain and begin the shake down process of getting the site up.

When checking out I realize that that my browser does not have the little lock icon - (the whooshing sound you hear is the can of worms being opened.)

I can purchase an namecheap ssl cert for single domain for $10.95 or a Trustwave ssl which is a webserver cert. for 79.00 per year.

Would the trustwave cert work on all the domains for my 3 dedicated IP's? or would is just make connecting through whm and cpanel more secure?

any help would be great.