1) Works fine
2) & 3) The form is processed on icontact's service... I added the index.php?page=1 and index.php?page=2 to try to get the code to work with the php I had above, here it is again for an easier read:
PHP Code:
if ($_POST['submit']==''){
include 'include/passport_signup.html';
if (($_POST['submit']=='Send Me Deals!') || ($_GET['page']==1)){
echo "Thank You";
if ($_GET['page']==2){
echo "Please enter a valid email address";
Here's the form code:
HTML Code:
<form method=post action="https://app.icontact.com/icp/signup.php" name="icpsignup" id="icpsignup1904" accept-charset="UTF-8" onsubmit="return verifyRequired1904();" >
<input type=hidden name=redirect value="http://www.123easyprints.com/index2.php?page=1" />
<input type=hidden name=errorredirect value="http://www.123easyprints.com/index2.php?page=2" />
<div style="width:128px;">
<table width="128" class="leftnav_main" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align=center valign="middle">
<input name="fields_email" type=text value="e-mail address" size="15" class="smaller">
<input type=hidden name="listid" value="27203">
<input type=hidden name="specialid:27203" value="P86X">
<input type=hidden name=clientid value="604695">
<input type=hidden name=formid value="1904">
<input type=hidden name=reallistid value="1">
<input type=hidden name=doubleopt value="1">
<td align="center" valign="middle"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send Me Deals!" class="smaller"></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
var icpForm1904 = document.getElementById('icpsignup1904');
if (document.location.protocol === "https:")
icpForm1904.action = "https://app.icontact.com/icp/signup.php";
function verifyRequired1904() {
if (icpForm1904["fields_email"].value == "") {
alert("The Email field is required.");
return false;
return true;
I want the form and the results on the same page.
Has nothing to do with google. 