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Thread: How to add your site to google and Yahoo!

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default How to add your site to google and Yahoo!

    Submitting your site to search engines is the first step in getting them indexed. The search engines do not guarantee a listing by using their submission forms, so it is always a very good idea to get as many inbound links to your site as possible to futher increase the likelyhood of your site being indexed.

    Yahoo! and google supply search results to other popular searches like AOL and MSN, and these 4 engines account for the majority of traffic you will see from all of the search engines out there.

    To get your site listed on google, go to and type in:

    "add my site to google" and the first link that appears on the page should be: type your domain in the box with any comments you may have.

    For Yahoo! it is not as easy, but non-the-less just as simple, and it is still free.

    Go to and do any seach you want, even try the one you are after:

    "add my site to yahoo"

    Chances are they will not appear as the first, and perhaps not any link on the 1st page of results, at least at the time of this writing.

    If you do not see a url to yahoo's submission page, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and you should see a link to:

    "submit your site" in small letters. Click on that and follow the instructions for the free submission option.

    Another method is to pay a service to do this for you. One that comes to mind is the one that offers with their traffic blazer program. It runs about $30.00 per year and submits to these engines above as well as guaranteed inclusion in Alta Vista and about 200 other directory submissions, which will save you a lot of time.

    Remember if you are not indexed you are loosing out on valuable free traffic and your site may never be found, no matter how good your product or service may be. Focus on content-rich pages with lots of descriptive words and you will be on the right path.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Matt; 01-07-2005 at 10:55 PM.
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  2. #2
    Angie is offline No longer a Newbie
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    I didn't realize how easy it is to until I read this thread about how to get noticed on the search engines. Thanks for that valuable infomation.

  3. #3
    Ricardo is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Thanks for the information. I've also noticed the option of being submitted to many search engines in exchange for a link on your site.

    I was wondering if you think that's a good idea?

  4. #4
    AJH is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Do you recommend paying for someone to do this for you or doing it yourself. I realize the advantage would be to save time, but what other benefits does paying someone provide?

  5. #5
    infoserv is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Is there a limit to the number of sites you can submit to each of the big sites in an hour? Is there software that you can load hundreds of URLs into and have it submit all of your sites to yahoo, google, msn, Alta vista?

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ricardo View Post
    Thanks for the information. I've also noticed the option of being submitted to many search engines in exchange for a link on your site.

    I was wondering if you think that's a good idea?
    I never have seen that but if someone is willing to submit your site for you, well, why not. that is my first feeling on it. Problem is all of a sudden you might get lots of people wanting to exchange links and athen you wind up with a link farm on your site, which, I don't think yahoo and google are fans of.

    Quote Originally Posted by AJH View Post
    Do you recommend paying for someone to do this for you or doing it yourself. I realize the advantage would be to save time, but what other benefits does paying someone provide?
    I have seen services that submit you to 400+ sites for $100 or something like that, but you have to remember 497 of those engines don't really matter. If you focus on google and yahoo, perhaps MSN you will be in good shape.
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