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Thread: Maintenance Notice - May 2nd, 2AM EDT to 6AM EDT (upgrades)

  1. #1
    Larry's Avatar
    Larry is offline Customer Care
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Maintenance Notice - May 2nd, 2AM EDT to 6AM EDT (upgrades)

    As part of our commitment to provide top quality web hosting services, maintenance is required and has been scheduled for the following server.

    Please read these details carefully:

    Server Name: Xray
    Service Date: Thursday, 2 May, 2019
    Service Window: 2 AM EST to 6 AM EST
    Details: Migration to better hardware (upgrade).
    Expected Downtime: No downtime expected

    This means work will begin at some point during this time specified in the service window above, unless unexpected situations arise. During this service window, your site may go temporarily offline. If we are unable to start the maintenance before the service window closes, it will be re-scheduled for the next day at the same time.

    Important Migration Notes
    The following changes are effective immediately after the migration is completed.

    1. The hostname will change to
    2. The shared IP address will change to
    3. Your name servers will NOT change. These will remain the same.
    4. If you use private name servers, you will be contacted directly and be provided with the new IPs for your name servers.

    If you are using the hostname for your email, FTP, or other settings, we recommend that you change this to, or a hostname related to your domain.

    If you are using any 3rd party CDN or security service such as Sucuri, Incapsula, or Cloudflare, an IP address update will be necessary. Please update your IP address to as soon as the migration is completed. If you are using our cPanel Cloudflare integration tool, no updates will be required.

    If you are using our nameservers, you do not need to update these, and your DNS will automatically propagate after the migration.

    As always, we recommend that you have local copies of your web site in the event of unforeseen issues which may result in complete and total data loss on the server. While we do not anticipate this to be an issue, it is always a wise choice to have copies of your web site in multiple locations.

    You can make copies of your web site using the backup option in your cPanel.

    Please return to this forum thread if you are interested in receiving status updates or to post any questions if you have them. You may need to register in order to post here.

    To receive instant notifications via email about updates which are posted in this thread:
    Please click "Thread Tools" at the top right of the first post in the forum thread, then select Subscribe. This will send out instant email notifications of any updates to this thread. Below is what it looks like if you are having trouble finding this option. (Click image for a larger version)Attachment 268

    Note: You will need to be registered on the forums in order to receive these notifications.

  2. #2
    Larry's Avatar
    Larry is offline Customer Care
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Emails have been sent to all customers affected by this maintenance.

    If you have any questions, please open a support ticket from your MyGlow Account. Our technical staff will be diligently working to complete this maintenance as soon as we begin.

  3. #3
    Larry's Avatar
    Larry is offline Customer Care
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Maintenance has completed without any downtime. Thank you for your cooperation during this important maintenance and upgrade. All GlowHost customers have been notified if any action is necessary.

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