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Thread: Http down on Haylee

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default far more than http is down!

    I am sending a message here because your trouble ticket system is also down and is not responding. I can't even read replies to trouble tickets per the links in emails sent to me. If the replies could be sent to me by email, then at least I could read them.

    I see that my website is now appearing after ~7 hrs. But I am completely unable to log into my ftp access of the file system.

    Another major issue is with the glowhost login and trouble ticket system. I was unable to log in for an hour and then when I did and filled out a ticket, your software rejected my ticket saying that my domain name was not properly registered and then when I tried to submit the ticket anyway, your system erased everything in my ticket and I had to start a new ticket.

    Finally, now that I have joined this forum so I could communicate with you while the other means are broken, I see at the bottom that I am not allowed to post any new threads at all. Why am I restricted?
    I tried to post this and was notified that I am not authorized to include the name of my domain that is hosted by you. Again, why am I restricted; I have had 3 star professional hosting for several years with you?

    These problems may all be related but I thought you would want to know about them as they likely affect everyone.


    Jeffrey Pawlan

  2. #12
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I am sending a message here because your trouble ticket system is also down and is not responding.
    The ticketing system is not down.

    If you are one of the lucky ones to get the error "SERVER CONNECTION ERROR (CODE 203): Could not connect to licensing server."

    Try refreshing your page, and you should be able to view your ticket.

    There is a problem with our helpdesk vendor's licensing server. We are working to resolve that issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Another major issue is with the glowhost login and trouble ticket system. I was unable to log in for an hour and then when I did and filled out a ticket, your software rejected my ticket saying that my domain name was not properly registered and then when I tried to submit the ticket anyway, your system erased everything in my ticket and I had to start a new ticket.
    You wont loose the data that you posted if you refresh your ticket instead of using your back button or whatever happened. Refreshing the page resubmits your data without you having to type it again...

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I am completely unable to log into my ftp access of the file system.
    The FTP server is temporarily offline because it is still being attacked. You will need to wait a while until the attack dies down.

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Finally, now that I have joined this forum so I could communicate with you while the other means are broken, I see at the bottom that I am not allowed to post any new threads at all. Why am I restricted?
    I tried to post this and was notified that I am not authorized to include the name of my domain that is hosted by you. Again, why am I restricted; I have had 3 star professional hosting for several years with you?
    As with most forums, you need to register to post. I see that you have registered and are now able to post. You cant post domains until you have 5 posts. These registration and domain rules are to keep the spammers off the boards.
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default able to read your replies on the trouble ticket but prevented from replying

    I sent you a lengthy reply with details on the trouble ticket while I was successfully logged in. When I hit send, I got the same error msg reported earlier. I did not hit the back button; I hit the Refresh button this time and also previously. But again it deleted my entire message and them logged me out of the entire Help Desk. I am using a recent version of Firefox on Solaris 10.

    I will try the system in the morning.

  4. #14
    andreadoria is offline Junior Guru
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default For some reason I can't post in the Haylee thread

    It says

    $bbuserinfo[username], you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    What's worse, I can't load any of my sites on haylee either (nor can I load the op's site,

    The server does seem up, did I end up in the filter table ?
    Matt-agreated analyser.

  5. #15
    GlowAlex is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Sep 2007


    Yes, the site is working for me.

    Please open a trouble ticket so we can see your IP address.

    Quote Originally Posted by andreadoria View Post
    It says

    $bbuserinfo[username], you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    What's worse, I can't load any of my sites on haylee either (nor can I load the op's site,

    The server does seem up, did I end up in the filter table ?

  6. #16
    andreadoria is offline Junior Guru
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    Feb 2008


    I was just about, but the issue seems now resolved. Maybe it was just a temporary local glitch. Thanks tho.
    Matt-agreated analyser.

  7. #17
    MyWeaverville's Avatar
    MyWeaverville is offline Junior Web Sage
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    My issue seemed to be resolved, but now it's down again. andreadoria, are you still having problems or is it just me?

  8. #18
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    Jul 2007


    Your IP can be blocked, or you may have some connection issues. Please, open a ticket for our tech support department regarding this issue. If you provide us with the traceroute results from your computer to the website, it will help us to find the reason of the issue faster.

  9. #19
    MyWeaverville's Avatar
    MyWeaverville is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Have a trouble ticket going. I was just trying to find out if I'm the only one still having problems.

  10. #20
    andreadoria is offline Junior Guru
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    Feb 2008


    Its been on again, off again for the entire day, wasn;'t able to get any work done.

    Currently I'm unable to connect to any of my websites. Sometimes they work, so I can load a page, but the odds of them still being there when I submit some data for instance are nil.
    Matt-agreated analyser.

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