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Thread: VPS Server Load

  1. #31
    Websync is offline What's a Guru? I want to be a GlowRu!
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    It is spiking again now.

  2. #32
    sergey is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    I have been monitoring the hardware node for a a long time and the server load is fine on it. We will post further updates if we find the server is spiking again.

  3. #33
    Matt's Avatar
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    Well, no one is complaining but I know they are all slow as molasses right now and we have a solution in the works. The long and short of it is we are moving one (maybe two) of the VPS off of this node to free up some resources for the rest of you.
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  4. #34
    omarfilip's Avatar
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    I guess everyone figures you must be tired of our complaining by now. :-)

    Moving the resource hogs will be appreciated - I see one with a load in the 20's for a while now and it's, as you say, creating a molasses situation.
    Last edited by Matt; 04-25-2013 at 02:06 AM.

  5. #35
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Yes, the joys of VPS. Yesterday it was VE 123, today it is 120, any bets on who it will be for tomorrow?

    Anyways one of these has moved on to a dedicated machine so that is the end of that user's issues and the other one may be going as well.

    For the time being, their scripts have been disabled while they decide what to do. Loads look much better now.
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