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Thread: Installing PHPmotion

  1. #1
    dhunt is offline Newbie
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    May 2011

    Default Installing PHPmotion

    I don't want to mess with it. I noticed that there were a couple of settings that were incorrect in the stock setup. I would rather glowhost go ahead and install it. How much and how long.


  2. #2
    AndrewGlow is offline Master Glow Jedi
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hello Daryl,

    PHPMotion is installed for free in case your order is for $25 or more. If your total is for less, you can just request us to invoice you for several additional months of hosting, so total is more than $25.

    Installation takes 20-30 minutes. Anyway, you'll need to open a trouble ticket in order to get invoiced or request our technicians to install PHPMotion, so we can authorize you.
    Have no fear,
    GlowHost is Here!

  3. #3
    dhunt is offline Newbie
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    May 2011


    I just paid a month in advance. That should be more than the required $25.00. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to seeing when I log on.

  4. #4
    dhunt is offline Newbie
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    May 2011


    New problem. Glowhost installed phpmotion. I can't make hide nor hair of the structure. It's not even close to what it would be if I installed it. For instance, in FTP isn't there. Where is the logo-main.gif file at? I certainly can't find it after spending a couple of hours just poking and hoping in all the directories.

  5. #5
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    Jul 2007



    Strange, but as far as I know, the structure of phpmotion is the same, no matter who installs it. The path to the file in question is


    Thus, you can see this file in your browser using this link

    Also, in case you would like to get assistance from us ASAP, please, open a trouble ticket, since tickets have highest level priority. As for the forum, its purpose is to provide general news/discussions etc.

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