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Thread: Server "from" e-mail address

  1. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    Interesting. I still think there is another way around it in the script itself. I will have to try and find how we did this in the past.

    Any reason you want to use charset=iso-8859-1 instead of UTF-8 ?
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  2. #12
    charlesh's Avatar
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    I guess I could change it now, I used it from another site I did (copied over) back in 2006 and we were having serious email problems with trying to get attachments through to end-users without being blacklisted. Somehow, I think I tried everything at the time to get it to pass. In the end, we just went to a "send you the link with a get statement" download type thingy. I could change it now to get with the times - thanks for pointing that out.

  3. #13
    Matt's Avatar
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    I've talked to a friend of mine and this is what he says. Maybe he will post here eventually.

    the solution of their problem lies in the middle.

    Return Path can't be set in headers, it must be set as additional mail() parameter. Like so:

    PHP Code:
    It should be also noted that it can't be set if PHP is running under Windows or is less than version 4.0.6.

    These headers are correct:

    PHP Code:
    $headers .= 'From: Mr. Person<>'.$eol
    $headers .= 'Reply-To: Mr. Person<>'.$eol
    A combination of the above should get them through without any server config modifications.
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  4. #14
    charlesh's Avatar
    charlesh is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    I agree, but I think the

    Set the Sender: Header when the mail sender changes the sender (-f flag passed to sendmail).
    Always set the "Sender:" header when the sender differs from the actual sender. Unchecking this will stop "On behalf of" data in Microsoft® Outlook, but may limit your ability to track abuse of the mail system.
    ...checkbox when selected overrides this and then inserts the server's own. I tried it both ways and found I was able to pass the -f param only when the checkbox was disabled.

    What would be cool is that if Cpanel could have logic built in where if someone does do the -f param, it overrides the configuration!
    Last edited by charlesh; 10-14-2010 at 04:24 PM. Reason: remove hyperlink to whm

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