You can fix this by creating a php.ini file in the public_html folder, or the folder where the script is installed. Once you create the empty file, add the following string:
upload_max_filesize = 20M
post_max_size = 20M
If you do not add both values to php.ini, it is likely to fail for one reason or another.
Or, if you want to set this as the server's global default, edit:
and set the values there for all accounts. Then if your server defaults are still not enough, your users can edit the local php.ini files accordingly.
If these post and upload values get too large, you may run out of memory as well.
The directive for this is called:
And if your users have exceedingly slow Internet connections, they might also encounter a timeout trying to upload.
The directive for that is called:
Be careful when allowing users to set these values and be even more careful when setting these as global defaults as setting things too high can result in unstable servers.