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Thread: Reseller moved from SiteSouth? Check this out.

  1. #1
    pacaron is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    Exclamation Reseller moved from SiteSouth? Check this out.

    Hi all you resellers:

    So you were moved from SiteSouth? So was I.

    Were we asked if we wanted to be moved to GlowHost from SiteSouth? I wasn't.

    Were we came from (SiteSouth) is less expensive for more features than where we are (GlowHost). Appears like SiteSouth is a much better deal!

    So when our SiteSouth reseller plan(s) run out here at Glowhost I would recommend you move (back) to SiteSouth.

    Compare the two for yourself

  2. #2
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    Don't see your point really. When my current Long Distance company bought Touch America, I wasn't asked if I wanted to change, because Touch America was no longer, and had been absorbed into the new company. This is very simple business procedure, as is the sale of SiteSouth to Glowhost.

    Appears like SiteSouth is a much better deal!
    Thats was, not is. They are no longer accepting orders for shared hosting, reseller hosting, or otherwise, perhaps its because they were too good of a deal to stay afloat?
    Last edited by Matt; 03-12-2005 at 02:26 AM.

  3. #3
    pacaron is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    Well it appears they are still doing business and located at: - Under "Make Your Choice" on the left click on "ReSeller Hosting"
    Or just go to

    Check out the prices while you'll there. I'd say that "is" a deal.

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    To clearify, they are not out of business, they are focusing on colocation at this time, and decided to liquidate their shared and reseller hosting accounts. We saw the sale advertised and took them up on the offer.

    Their reseller pages are there solely for reference, as we are offing people the opportuinity to upgrade at SiteSouth pricing up until February 5th, 2005.

    It is similar to the At&T Wireless / Cingular deal. AT&T's site is still there, but if you buy a plan on AT&T's site you will get a Cingular plan, and Cingular support.

    I am wondering what "extra features" they have and I am also a bit confused as to how their pricing is better. Perhaps on the lightweight packages but on the bulk deals our plans are include more for less.

    We also extended all customers MORE than a free month of service during the transition. That courtesy we extended in light of the transfer for all former SiteSouth customers. We are also honoring your old plan pricing and not requesting transfers to our advertised packages for an entire year. (if ever, but at least for the year)

    Other than that, both of our sites offer unlimited cPanel access so I am a bit confused as to the hostility. Was your site down during the transfer or is there some other reason you decided to come in here urging every one to leave?

    I guess now I am a really confused....
    Last edited by Matt; 04-08-2006 at 01:10 PM.
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  5. #5
    pacaron is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    I just asked a simple question, nothing else.. no internet roadrage here.
    Sorry it offended you and your group.
    I think I got the question answered, thanks.

    Whew... I'm out'a here.


  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    Okay Ron., no problem no offense taken. It is just that the MOST COMMON misconception when people are shopping for web hosts is they see:

    "X" gigs of Space
    "Y" gigs of transfer

    And then assume if "Host A" offers this same plan as "Host B" for a lower price, it must of course be a better deal. The simple truth is that half of webhosting if not more is the service aspect and that can add to the value of your web hosting provider and also may reflect the difference in pricing.

    Many of you reading this post who have been with more than one web host know exactly what I mean as getting the "everything for nothing" web host usually is just the latter. You are promised everything, but receive nothing.

    If you are unhappy with the support you receive here in the next 10 months in which we have agreed to host your site for the former SiteSouth (free of charge I might add) please feel free to post here about it, I also PM'd you with my direct cell # if you have any issues I am happy to listen to you on my dime.
    Last edited by Matt; 01-25-2005 at 05:53 PM.
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  7. #7
    EmergentMedia is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Default You get what you pay for ...

    I too was skeptical when 2 months after setting up a reseller account with SiteSouth I was suddenly told that my account had been acquired by GlowHost. I was not disappointed with the support and service offerred by SiteSouth and I wondered how I would be treated by the "new company" that I was involuntarily being assigned to.

    The transition to the new servers was flawless and the communication was great. I've spoken with Matt a few times on the phone, which is something that can't be said about another hosting company that I've been with for several years. Since the migration to the GlowHost servers, uptime has been second-to-none and support response time / problem resolution is excellent!

    My point is this: You get what you pay for. So what if you are paying an extra $5 per month for a reseller account! Wouldn't you rather pay a few extra dollars for peace of mind? If you only have 20 accounts on a reseller account, that comes to an increase of $0.25 per month per hosting account. Consider the alternative - you could be paying about $500 per month for an entry-level dedicated server with RackSpace.

    GlowHost offers great web hosting ... and that's worth a few extra bucks to me. If uptime and great support aren't high on your list of priorities, then I can recommend a few hosting companies that will save you a dollar or two each month.

  8. #8
    Kitelife is offline No longer a Newbie
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    I am a happy customer moved from SiteSouth... A bit chagrined at first, but Matt and the folks here at GlowHost have made it all work like a charm and the reseller rates are not drastically different if you take the time to break it down.

    No matter how you slice it, I'll happily pay a couple extra bucks for the kind of service I've gotten here.

  9. #9
    technino is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    Default Glowhost!

    Just wanted to let you all know that I too was a sitesouth customer. This switch over to glowhost has really been a blessing. My sites are never down and the customer service has just been great!

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