This thread started as a trouble ticket, but Matt thought it might be of broader benefit since my questions are essentially generic. I'd love it if others had insights that would help my decision, or make me feel more at ease with it, since money is something of an obstacle at the moment and I can't just take advantage of every option.
I *think* I'm looking to set up an off-server, on-site backup. Don't have a huge amount of data to backup -- essentially less than 6GB to start. I think I only need daily and weekly retention schedules, which would be about 12GB of storage. GH offers this service in 10GB chunks, so I'd have plenty of room to grow on a 20GB package.
Outstanding considerations include:
If I can get an additional HD put in my box for about $15/mo, whereas the off-server package is $20/mo for just 20GB, are the advantages of off-server backup worth it? What are the disadvantages/advantages of each option? The system will FTP a gzipped backup to a remote server (presumably in the same facility), vs. just copying to a second HD. Or should I just be mirroring my primary HD?
I was also wondering about security of the data. A previous system I used employed on-server encryption, transfer over an SSL connection to a remote server, and storage on media that was allegedly physically removed /disconnected after transfer. That would be overkill for my current needs, but I'm wondering what kind of security concerns remote (same-facility), unencrypted backup raises.
Previous questions in the trouble-ticket thread included what gets backed up. The answer is the /home directory (recursively) plus /var/lib/mysql "as well as some other configuration data."
I also previously asked if I could control the restore process from the remote backups, and Matt answered that I would have essentially full control via SSH and less-specific control via WHM.
Hope this helps anyone else who's wondering these things, and I look forward to any and all input.