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Thread: Cron Job for Awstats

  1. #1
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Default Cron Job for Awstats

    I love the dedicated server, but did notice that awstats is not processing nightly on any of my accounts. Is there a cron job that I can set up server-wide that will allow for the processing of awstats for all accounts nightly?

    I figured that I would post this here, in case anyone had the same question.

    Charles H.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Does WHM give you any warnings about not being able to keep up with the stats processing in WHM > Stats Configuration ? Are the Stats enabled there?

    They should run as soon as your backups complete. Are the backups running?
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  3. #3
    charlesh's Avatar
    charlesh is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    As far as any warnings in stats configuration, no, everything appears to be in the green. I'm only having the problem in AWstats, so I checked the "enabled by default" box there as well.

    When I check and view the "see specific user's summary" drop down, I noticed that all of the domains that I had transfered from the VPS are not processing from the main account domains. In the case of subdomains or parked domains, stuff is indeed being processed.

    Yes, backups are running, it appears.

    Strange... Well, this is sounding more like a ticket item, the more that I write, rather than a forum post.


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