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Thread: Strange Email issue

  1. #1
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Default Strange Email issue

    I recently launched a cart for a client using CS-cart (thanks for the recommendation, Matt). Anyway, this is on my dedicated server and I'm using SMTP to mail things from the cart, such as order confirmations to both the administrator(s) and the shopper.

    So, funny thing is that as far as I can tell, the order gets mailed to the shopper and the main mailbox for orders also gets a copy. I set up a forward on the cpanel that forwards this confirmation on to 3 people who need to know this information. I am the 4th for now while I troubleshoot this issue.

    It seems that about every second or so order never gets forwarded on, never shows up, yet it appears on the cart's administration. I went looking on their forums and found a similar topic,

    CS-Cart Community Forums

    but yet this post refers to something having to get changed on the server level for things to work properly, but the exact WHAT is not specified. I'm putting this out here in case anyone knows what settings I have to tweak. Of course all the obvious ones, such as whitelist on spam assisn I've already done.

    Btw, the other options besides SMTP I can use are PHP mail function and via sendmail program. Perhaps I should use something different than SMTP? The thread above kind of alludes to that.

    Thanks for any help,


  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    We cannot view their forum thread. I guess you need to be an account holder to read it. Regarding sendmail, only one way to find out.....

    I find sendmail to be more reliable in general than SMTP script configs, but that's maybe just me.
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  3. #3
    charlesh's Avatar
    charlesh is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    If they are having problems, I will try using sendmail for them, thanks for the advice. Great shopping cart, too - thanks for that lead.


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