Our Company has great news for those of our customers whose accounts are hosted on the shared server Zed. We've decided to replace it with a brand-new and much more powerful machine. This upgrade requires migration of cPanel accounts to the new server. The transfer procedure will be initiated on 16th of November and will last for several days. Accounts will be migrated in alphabetic order, one-by-one.
We will keep you notified on the progress. Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them in this thread.
Please read these details carefully:
Server Name: Zed
Service Start: Saturday, 16th November 2013
Details: Zed Server Migration
Expected Downtime: No downtime expected
Those, whose domains use NS ns1.gendns19.com and ns2.gendns19.com, will need to change NS to ns11.gendns.com and ns12.gendns.com right after migration. Support of gendns19.com will be discontinued soon.
Please, do not change your NS until you are informed that migration of your data is completed! Every client on the server will be informed individually by email with the new server details once your account has been fully migrated.
This means work will begin at some point during this date.
As always, we recommend that you have local copies of your web site in the event of unforeseen issues which may result in complete and total data loss on the server. While we do not anticipate this to be an issue, it is always a wise choice to have copies of your web site in multiple locations.
You can make copies of your web site using the backup option in your cPanel.
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