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Thread: The timeout on actually writing a post is a little short.

  1. #1
    Jeff is offline Newbie
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default The timeout on actually writing a post is a little short.

    Hi There, I have tried to post here a couple of times before. Today is the first time I was successful because I remembered to select all and copy before I hit submit new thread. I didn't refresh even when I signed back in. I had to go back to the category and restart my new thread. Luckily, I saved my post and it is there now. I don't know how you fix it, but some warning about how much time we get might help and if it can't be fixed easily perhaps recommending a person use an external script writer might be good. Thank you

  2. #2
    AndrewGlow is offline Master Glow Jedi
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hello Jeff,

    Thank you for registering and posting! Could you please clarify how much time passed since since you opened the "reply" window?

    Do you have "remember me" option enabled? It might help. Also, forums thread has auto-save option of replies, so it should be saved as draft.
    Have no fear,
    GlowHost is Here!

  3. #3
    Jeff is offline Newbie
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    Nov 2017


    Hello Andrew, I don't remember the exact time I took to write it. It could have been an hour. When you make a reply there is an auto-save option. Unfortunately, the posts I had trouble with were original threads that I started. These do not appear to have the same auto-save options.

  4. #4
    AndrewGlow is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Sep 2009


    I've checked settings - cookies expire in 60 minutes of inactivity. If you write a message for more than 60 minutes, then yes, it is better to save text in notepad before posting.
    Have no fear,
    GlowHost is Here!

  5. #5
    Jeff is offline Newbie
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Thank you Andrew, OK, yes, 60 minutes is a fair amount of time for a post. I will keep it in mind for future.

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