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Thread: MySQL and ODBC

  1. #1
    Brandon You Are Posting As A Guest - Please Register or Log In

    Question MySQL and ODBC

    Should I be able to connect to my MySQL databases via ODBC (Windows XP Pro)?

    If so, an example glowhost-specific DSN setup would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Go to the mysql site and download the mysql odbc driver and install it on your local windows machine that has your database program. I am assuming it is Access.

    After installation, go to the control panel on your local PC, open up the ODBC/DSN control panel, and create a system DSN for your MySQL DB using the new driver.

    Then go to your cPanel and set up the access hosts at the very bottom of the database manager in cPanel. Type in your remote machine's hostname or IP address (wildcards permitted) is listed.

    Now you can use Access to connect to your MySQL databases.

    Use the database and database user you created in cPanel for the login info, your domain name for the server and use the default port.
    Last edited by admin; 01-13-2005 at 09:35 PM.
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