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Thread: Multi-vendor off-the-shelf shopping cart software

  1. #1
    ampm designs is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Default Multi-vendor off-the-shelf shopping cart software

    I have a client who wants to open an online multi-vendor mall. Their wish is for vendors to be able to update their specific stores with only occassional input from the main admin. I've started researching possible off-the-shelf solutions and wondered if anyone here has any suggestions.

    Also, to the mods, are there specific requirements I need to be aware of if we switch their web hosting to you? I don't want to have them buy something they can't use.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Maybe others have good ideas. Sounds to me like you could write an admin module for something like zen cart or oscommerce that would spawn individual installations of the shopping cart for each unique vendor.

    I don't think there is anything to be aware of. I guess I'd need more specifics on the question in order to be able to answer it best.
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  3. #3
    ampm designs is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Thanks Matt. I could possibly play around with Zen cart, but if I can find something off-the-shelf I'd prefer it (and my client is willing to pay for it).

    I found something called X-Cart Pro by Qualiteam. Looks promising, though I'm a little unclear about the installation. How do you handle client requests to have software installed on their server? Is it possible? Do you require they purchase a dedicated server?

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    We are actually in the stages of being able to license that cart directly for our customers. Just have not completed all the hoops just yet.

    I am pretty sure I read on their site they will install it for $50. Our script install services run a similar price of $49/hour and most installs take about an hour.

    Our hosting platform supports their cart "out of the box" so the install should be a quick one. if you are considering the cart and can afford some wait time to obtain your license let me know and I will look into what sort of price break we can get you before you make the purchase direct from them.

    A dedicated server is not required for development, and possibly not needed even in production. I do recommend them but it is not a requirement until the day that the site becomes so popular it becomes a detriment to other users that share the server.
    Last edited by Matt; 08-31-2006 at 02:36 PM.
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  5. #5
    ampm designs is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Let me know how long a wait time you're talking about and I'll run it by my client. Thanks again!

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    Give me 24 hours or so. We talked to these guys in Las Vegas at a Hosting Convention and discussed their product. We were going to roll it out a bit later but I suppose we can bump it up the list. I think we can probably save you about $50 on a license if you buy it direct from us.

    I just need to review their licensing guidlines and it will take a short while.
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