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Thread: Design question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Talking Design question

    I have just started working with a website on glowhost and I am trying to set up sub pages under a main page. I want to then link a pdf to each subpage for easy access. How can I do this easily and quickly.

    For example:

    On the left hand side would be my main pages like
    Home page
    Ag page
    Junior page

    Then under ag page I want a link to other pages.

    ag page
    recipe contest
    activity sheet
    Book log

    and when someone clicks on one of these sub pages, they will then link to a pdf or word document that they can print.

    How can I do this. Thanks.

  2. #2
    GlowHost-James is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Apr 2012


    Thats a good question!

    You would need to code these as hyperlinks. There really is no easy way of doing it. you could use a product such as Wordpress and create your site that way and use its WYSIWYG editor to create your links to PDF / DOC files within pages. Wordpress also has a extensive list of plugins, one of which will generate a PDF from page content.

    Hope this helps you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I already have a web page using glowhost. I would like to continue making the web site better. What if I created my documents in google docs which I believe will generate a url. Then I could create sub pages linked to the dedicated url's. But how do I create the sub pages on the glowhost site? Or does this web page template not allow this? Then I would have to create a new website in, say, wordpress, then upload it to the glow host server? Thanks!

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Not really sure what you mean by "The template."

    Are you building your web page by hand using HTML or some application like wordpress?

    If you are building it by hand, you just link to the page names that you make. For example, page1.html

    Regarding google docs, yes, you could link to google docs for the download part if they give you a URL to link to.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Hi Matt.

    If you look at the website for the Rhode Island State Grange, someone started building this website, using, I guess, glowhost. I do not think they created it with another program and just uploaded it because I was able to add a page to the existing webpage within glowhost and using glowhost. I do not think they created it using another program like wordpress or dreamweaver but maybe I am wrong. I know I added a "page" called agriculture department. And now I want to add sub headings under that, that link to documents I have created in word. How can I do that, rather than just keep adding headings for everything I want to do?


    Carol G

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Well, you have a couple of options here. One of them would be to hire a web developer to do it for you. Another, would be to hire a web developer to show you how to do it. You could also take some web mastering courses. I found a deal today on groupon for $150 for some web master e-learning classes.

    Also, if you can wait a few weeks we will have a new web site builder which you don't really need to know much about HTML and it will build the site for you using drag and drop, and point and click.

    You probably want to avoid naming pages with spaces in them. For example "agriculture department" would be better suited as agriculture_department.php or agriculture-department.php or even AgricultureDepartment.php but most people use lowercase. (less key strokes I guess)

    We don't normally deal with the design aspects of a web site since our primary business is web hosting, but you might get lucky on this forum to find a web master who can help you. You might also try checking various web master forums as they are sure to have lots of web masters floating around there.
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