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Thread: what no googly Chrome topic?

  1. #1
    cornnfedd is offline Working on Master Status
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    Talking what no googly Chrome topic?

    so who here has used the new browser from google called Chrome?

    my first impressions are very positive - its very fast so well done google i guess....

    oh so in awstats or whatever what will it list it as? anyone know?

  2. #2
    bdominick's Avatar
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    I'm not super thrilled with the browser, as a user or developer. It's a little bit glitchy on one of my sites, and the SWF plugin doesn't seem to be very stable. It is nice to be able to regain RAM the instant you close a tab, unlike with FF, which just keeps gobbling. Most of the neat new features can be obtained using FF extensions, though, so I'm not moved to switch browsers.
    Brian Dominick
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  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    I have the same issue with IE7 and tabs. It will eventually crash the browser if I let it run all day without restarting it. I hope they fix that in IE8, it is highly annoying.
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  4. #4
    bdominick's Avatar
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    In Chrome, each tab runs as a different process, unlike IE and FF. It really does make more sense. Unfortunately, no one has managed to minimize a browser's RAM footprint while 10 tabs are open.
    Brian Dominick
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  5. #5
    Matt's Avatar
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    10 tabs arent much of an issue for me. Its more like 500+ when it becomes a problem on my system.

    The problem is in IE7 on this Vista system each tab consumes nearly a meg of ram and closing it does not free that meg up. Eventually I get to about 500-800 meg of ram being used since it never gets freed up when the tabs are closed. At this point the browser freaks out and needs to be killed off.

    I open thousands of browser windows in a day I am sure of it now because in a typical day I will have to kill IE no less than 2 times from the task manager that I now keep in the task bar so that it is just handy. Slop on Microsoft's part for sure. Not so much the idea and coding, but slop from not testing and listening to their beta testers regarding the problem.

    Oh and back to the OP, I think that Chrome has potential but it is definately not A grade yet. It definately has issues rendering pages that pass W3C code standards in the current state.
    Last edited by Matt; 09-07-2008 at 08:49 PM.
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  6. #6
    bdominick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    10 tabs arent much of an issue for me. Its more like 500+ when it becomes a problem on my system.
    Wow. That's a lot of tabs, Matt. Are you serious? I've probably never hit 20...

    And why do you use IE in the first place? You prefer it over FF?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Oh and back to the OP, I think that Chrome has potential but it is definately not A grade yet. It definately has issues rendering pages that pass W3C code standards in the current state.
    Yeah, that's my experience, too. But to be fair, Google probably did a better job on this first beta release than Mozilla did for a long time with FF.
    Brian Dominick
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  7. #7
    jmarcv's Avatar
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    The Javascript really doesn't seem to work very well. No errors, no nothing. As a developer --- not impressed. No debugging tools? Why should I support it?

    In fact, using the yahoo YUI (staple of the new cPanel) doesn't always work, which is supposed to support "class A" browsers.

  8. #8
    cornnfedd is offline Working on Master Status
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    lets all keep in mind its only a beta, and for a beta version its pretty good, i really like it but its probably not quite good enough for me to use yet - funny you cant install google tool bar on it aparently it isnt compatable yet or something. Also i use roboform quiet alot as i have membership to maybe 200 sites, chrome does not support it yet so no point in using it.

    the thing i really really hate about IE is that when a website crashed your browser it just closes, you have no choice but to close everything down, you cant even save or book mark where you are up to in the tabs - i have lost heaps of stuff from IE doing this and find that i am constantly bookmarking sites so if IE crashes i dont have to sift through 500 pages of my history for that day to find where i was up to - IE frustrates me. But i am impressed with the first version of chrome - give it 6-12 months and it should be a great browser IMHO.

    i would prefer a minimalistic browser - where i can add mods onto the browser if i want that feature. I gave firefox a go once but when it did an auto update i lost all my favourites so uninstalled it in anger and went back to IE lol.

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    Yeah, cornnfedd, you have a point, and maybe I need to look at what they are doing on the dev side of things. Just can't even see 6 or 12 months with some of the major goobers I saw. But then...

    PS They wont support Roboform, unfortunately, Roboform needs to support chrome, which I guess is the better way to have it. I couldnt libve without that thing!

  10. #10
    bdominick's Avatar
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    @cornnfedd: Not sure what version of FF you had trouble with, but now it backs up your bookmarks and all other personalizations automatically on a regular basis. The reasons I can't live without FF are all the web developer tools you can get as add-ons, including Web Developer Toolbar and FireBug. These things make building sites so much easier it's amazing. I don't know of comparable stuff for IE.
    Brian Dominick
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