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Thread: [Email] Email Limits - How many emails per hour?

  1. #11
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    I hope that you'll like working with us and will not want to use this feature.

  2. #12
    omarfilip's Avatar
    omarfilip is offline Nearly a Master Glow Jedi
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    Thumbs up

    Me too.

    As long as it supports what I need, I'll like it!

  3. #13
    WHK is offline Newbie
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    Jan 2011



    I've installed an email module on Prestashop that we're using for our club's membership and payment system. There are about 400 members. The module is setup to use the Glowhost SMTP server (our domain name) for outgoing. Can you comment if the setup I've listed below will be ok when I send our first mass email out to the members just after New Years? I don't want to trigger blacklists. I tested this in a test message with a small group of 10 people and the module appears to work. Here are the settings I configured in the mail module.:

    Throttle Method: Emails per Minute
    Emails per minute Bytes per minute No throttling Makes the module run at a rate-limited speed when sending emails.

    Throttle rate: 100
    Throttling rate, bytes per minute or mails per minute depending on the throttling method selected (if any). Reasonable values may be 100 emails/minute or 1024 x 1024 x 10 = 10,485,760 bytes (10MB)/minute.

    Enable antiflood: Yes
    Select to use antiflooding for receiving SMTP servers which impose limits on the number of messages that may be sent during a single SMTP connection.

    Batch: 99
    The number of emails sent in a single SMTP connection before disconnecting for a period. A reeasonable value may be 100.

    Pause: 30
    Time period in seconds that module should pause for between the disconnect/re-connect process.

    Sendmail path
    Path to local MTA binary (sendmail, Exim, Postfix). For example, /usr/sbin/sendmail


  4. #14
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    Well, in case the script will send 100 emails per minute for 400 recipients you will exceed the limit unless your limit is 500 emails per hour or more. Thus, you need to adjust the settings. If I were you, I'd set:

    Throttle rate: 20
    Throttling rate, bytes per minute or mails per minute depending on the throttling method selected (if any). Reasonable values may be 100 emails/minute or 1024 x 1024 x 10 = 10,485,760 bytes (10MB)/minute.
    Enable antiflood: Yes
    Select to use antiflooding for receiving SMTP servers which impose limits on the number of messages that may be sent during a single SMTP connection.
    Batch: 20
    The number of emails sent in a single SMTP connection before disconnecting for a period. A reeasonable value may be 100.
    Pause: 900
    Time period in seconds that module should pause for between the disconnect/re-connect process.

    This will make the script to send 20 emails each 15 min and will fit the lowest limit.

  5. #15
    WHK is offline Newbie
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    Jan 2011



    Thanks for the feedback. I made the suggested changes and will leave it configured that way for our club mass mailing. The way I read it this will limit at 120 emails per hour which will cover the entire list in just over three hours.

  6. #16
    WHK is offline Newbie
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    Jan 2011


    I just sent a trial with the limits set. Look at the log dump and the Helga login message. Is that test in red boilerplate, or am I triggering the message with this?

    ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport
    << ESMTP Exim 4.69 #1 Sun, 01 Jan 2012 01:26:32 -0500

    220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
    220 and/or bulk e-mail.

    >> EHLO

    << Hello []
    250-SIZE 52428800
    250 HELP


    << 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6

    >> Y2hueWMuc3RvcmVAY2hueWMudXM=

    << 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6

    >> UmhvZGVzMTk=

    << 235 Authentication succeeded

    ++ Swift_SmtpTransport started
    >> MAIL FROM:

    << 250 OK

    >> RCPT TO:

    << 250 Accepted

    >> DATA

    << 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself


    << 250 OK id=1RhEsM-0001Ez-4Y

    >> MAIL FROM:

    << 250 OK

    >> RCPT TO:

    << 250 Accepted

    >> DATA

    << 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself


    << 250 OK id=1RhEsb-0001Ez-D9

  7. #17
    David I is offline Newbie
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    Jun 2010


    Hi WHK,

    I have found this message in the logs and as I can judge, it was successfully delivered. Can you please open a trouble ticket in order to find out more details for this case?

  8. #18
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    It depends on your server and if you have root access or not. Do you have root access? Is the server WHM/cPanel? This might be more of a question for a unique thread.

    This thread is regarding the existing mail limits on the various types of hosting packages that we offer, which cannot be set by you unless you have root.
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  9. #19
    AuroraStorm is offline Practically a Glow Sage
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    Sep 2010


    I don't understand what all of this means - exceeding maximum hourly emails. Can someone explain this to me in plain english?

    This directory was automatically disabled by our server monitoring software because it has exceeded the acceptable resource limits for your hosting plan.

    More information about the acceptable hourly email limits can be found here.

    You will need to adjust your script settings or upgrade to a package that better accommodates your email needs. Subsequent violations of our Acceptable Usage Policy typically result in permanent disabling of the directory or entire hosting account, based on how frequent or blatant the violations occur on this account.

    Please let us know what your resolution to the problem will be, and we will unblock this directory for you so that you can make the appropriate modifications.

    Sample of the first 10 emails:

  10. #20
    VinceGlow is offline Nearly a Master Glow Jedi
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    May 2012



    Please check the reply in the ticket that you have already opened. The ticket ID is EWX-3578-205
    Last edited by Matt; 11-05-2012 at 03:22 PM.

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