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Thread: New to reselling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default New to reselling

    Hello and thanks in advance!

    I decided on a reseller package and want to bring in my first domain from ZipHosting. I have setup a package and created the account in WHM. I know that I need to change the DNS at ZipHosting but what have I missed in the middle? Something quite big I assume as I don't know where I'm supposed to be accessing their Cpanel and I was assuming that I would be able to select their domain when I log into my GlowHost AMC, like I do with my own domain.

    GlowHost is not really geared to the novice but your support and everything else is great (and all your reviews) which is why I'm here. Sorry for the basic questions


  2. #2
    David I is offline Newbie
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Hello Dan,

    It isn't completely clear, do you have any problem with your domains or no?

    All what you need is just set our Nameservers (which you got in the Welcome Letter) to your domains.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Hey Dan,

    Welcome to the Forums and Welcome to GlowHost. We hope you will like it here.

    Just to follow-up, after you have set the nameservers, you can then access each account's cPanel and Webmail at the following URLs:

    Where is the actual domain you are hosting. In fact, as a reseller, you can access all of your customer cPanel or Webmail (and your WHM) at any domain in your reseller account by using a forward slash + cpanel, forward slash + webmail or forward slash + whm

    E.g. could be user to access could be used to access could be used for or

    /cpanel /whm and /webmail work on all of your domains and are simply redirects to the control panel services.

    Also, if you look in your instruction letter, you can replace your domain with your customer's domains. and there should be an IP which will also work for all of your accounts. Finally, there should also be a hostname like which can also be used for all accounts. The IP and hostname methods can be used to access cPanel (or webmail or WHM) before you point your nameservers.

    Finally, if you login to your cPanel, with your main reseller username and reseller password, you will see a drop down box at the top of cPanel, this will allow you to toggle between your cPanel and your customer's cPanels.

    PS I am not sure what AMC is but if you mean 'Account Manager' or myGlow this is the place on OUR site where you pay bills, open tickets, and related things. You might find a link to YOUR main reseller account's cPanel in myGlow from which you can then change to other cPanels using the dropdown box described above, once you've landed in your main cPanel.

    Keep in mind that at this time, the password listed for your main reseller account inside of myGlow may not be correct if you have changed it from the default password which we set the account up with (the same password which is in your welcome email) using WHM. If that is true, just update your password which is stored in myGlow to match the one that you changed it to in WHM and then the auto-login will work, if you wish to have auto-login to your main account, from within myGlow.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Thanks so much for the clarity. "" this was the obvious part I was missing as I have always logged in via the host.

    I just want to check that the email will stay put when I update the DNS? Only when I setup the email accounts on my end will the begin to move?

  5. #5
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    Jul 2007


    As far as I understood, you have created the same email accounts on the new server that your old server has. As soon as it is done, you may update your NS. This will point visitors of your domains and mails sent to your email addresses associated with these domains to the new servers. Thus, the new messages will arrive to the new server, while the messages on the old server (in case you use IMAP or POP3 with "leave messages on the server" option enabled in your email client) will stay there. If you would like to save old messages, you may download them to your email client using POP3 protocol or use appropriate backup option available in your Cpanel.

    BTW, if you need fast answers for your questions, please, open a ticket for our tech support dep.

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