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Thread: Dreamweaver Upload and general help

  1. #1
    boonefly is offline Newbie
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    Default Dreamweaver Upload and general help

    I recently switched from Frontpage 2002 to Dreamweaver MX 2004. As a newbie to this product I am having problems finding the correct method for uploading my site to Glowhost. I see a lot of help files for Frontpage and wonder if you have any on Dreamweaver.

    My main questions now are:

    1. How to upload my site
    2. Do you/I need to delete the current configuration to allow this to work? (meaning what to do with the current files and setup at your company)
    3. Other important info when using Dreamweaver?

    Web-newbie Maggi

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    I'll try to get a Dreamweaver configuration tutorial in here later today, busy this morning and afternoon with server issues, Egh.....
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  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    As promised, here is a simple Dreamweaver tutorial for you.

    As for your other questions:

    1. How to upload my site
      Covered in the tutorial
    2. Do you/I need to delete the current configuration to allow this to work? (meaning what to do with the current files and setup at your company)
      You can delete the site and un-install the extensions if you want to have a clean server space, I suggest this method. When I say the site, I do not mean EVERY FILE and FOLDER on the server. It means everything in the public_html folder, with the exception of the cgi-bin. If you do not care, then you can keep the files where they are and just use Dreamweaver to overwrite them as you make your changes to the files. Deleting folders above the public_html level can damage your site, and should be avoided.
    3. Other important info when using Dreamweaver?
      I cannot think of anything, if you have more questions let us know.
    Last edited by Matt; 10-03-2005 at 01:18 PM.
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  4. #4
    admin is offline Administrator
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    So did it help?

  5. #5
    boonefly is offline Newbie
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    I got part way through it, but work has been all consuming lately.

    I copied the instructions down for future reference.

    I really appreciate it and will let you know if I have any issues.



  6. #6
    Gumby is offline Newbie
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    Cool Converting FP to DW

    I don't know if this will help, but... I do know that FP (utilizing the extensions in your web) won't upload and fuction correctly, via FTP. Spent countless hours, until I finally asked Microslop directly, and that's what they said. Plus I found out that the FP xt's won't follow files into other dir's i.e. subsites or sub-dir's. Good luck! GlowHost rox...

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Gumby is right, you cannot ftp Frontpage files and have them work correctly, you must upload a Frontpage website via http not ftp, however, if you are converting to Dreamweaver from Frontpage, leaving the extensions on the server will not harm anything, they just take up a very small amount of diskspace.

    I recommend not deleting any files on the server unless you know exactly what they do, otherwise you can damage the web site.
    Last edited by Matt; 12-05-2005 at 12:21 AM.
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