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Thread: Missy Server

  1. #21
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Any downtime involved with moving to a shared server with more room? What about the spam assassin/forwarders, etc. on the email accounts and finally, I had some configurations changed here and there on missy that I would need duplicated, is that possible?
    Same questions to a move to dedicated.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  2. #22
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Also - what is my reseller account using per month in transfer? And do you have to buy the dedicated server and pay the monthly hosting fee?
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  3. #23
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    Any downtime involved with moving to a shared server with more room? What about the spam assassin/forwarders, etc. on the email accounts and finally, I had some configurations changed here and there on missy that I would need duplicated, is that possible?
    Same questions to a move to dedicated.
    There should not be any downtime in either case. All the email and email settings would be migrated. If you remember what changes that you had done on Missy then we can dupe those on whatever server you move to. Its helpful if you know what they are. If you don't remember, then we can figure it out from the errors that will appear on the sites after they are migrated.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    Also - what is my reseller account using per month in transfer? And do you have to buy the dedicated server and pay the monthly hosting fee?
    Last month you did about 160 GB of transfer and this month will be a little bit less by the time the month is over it looks like.

    No, you don't need to buy the dedicated server, it is a flat fee every month on a lease basis. Free hardware replacement and everything else that you have now. It can be considered a big reseller account.
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  5. #25
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    The one I see in the trouble tickets is: allow_url_include = On;

    Can you look at the php settings on Missy to see if there was anything else?

    I think some of the other stuff was in php.ini files which would transfer, right?

    I have custom nameservers, SSLs and DedIP's on a few accounts.

    Also, customized whm message and cpanel theme.

    I can't access my cpanel info for the intel type Missy has...what is "KVM over IP" ?

    My sister's reseller account would probably also be moved... can you have 2 resellers on the same ded server?

    Sorry for all the questions...just trying to make an informed decision on which one to get.
    Also...can I upgrade anytime?
    Last edited by rlhanson; 04-28-2010 at 08:43 AM. Reason: one more question
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    The one I see in the trouble tickets is: allow_url_include = On;

    Can you look at the php settings on Missy to see if there was anything else?

    I think some of the other stuff was in php.ini files which would transfer, right?
    Its hard to say from the main php.ini which settings are specific to you, but if there are php.ini files in any of your accounts, those settings would be copied in the transfer.

    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    I have custom nameservers, SSLs and DedIP's on a few accounts.

    Also, customized whm message and cpanel theme.
    cPanel *should* transfer all of these settings during migration, if it forgets something which it does sometimes, we can easily grab them manually from the old server.

    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    I can't access my cpanel info for the intel type Missy has...what is "KVM over IP" ?
    Missy is an older Intel Pentium 4. KVM over IP probably is best described here:
    KVM switch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Not everyone needs it.

    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    My sister's reseller account would probably also be moved... can you have 2 resellers on the same ded server?
    Sure, and you can have your own resellers if you want to start offering reseller packages to your clients or the general public.

    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    Sorry for all the questions...just trying to make an informed decision on which one to get.
    Also...can I upgrade anytime?
    No problems at all
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  7. #27
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    okay - I want the Intel Package I - Is there any way I can get the billing date to be the same as my old one?
    I know I'm being a pain in the rear but I bill everything to make sure I have my hosting fee saved for each month's payment.
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  8. #28
    Matt's Avatar
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    Yes, you can have the same bill date.

    2 ways to do that.

    A) Order the new server on the same day you get the next invoice for the current reseller account

    B) Order the new server whenever you want then ask us to pro-rate the days so that it falls on your desired renewal date.

    The only problem with option B is that the renewal date at the datacenter is going to be different than your renewal date at GlowHost. Which means you might end up owing one more month at the end of your contract should you decide to cancel the server at some point.

    Also instead of the Intel Package 1 I think I have something better here for the same price that has a backup drive already which is something you are going to want / need. It is a dual processor machine, the drives are a bit smaller but the same or better RAM and 2 processors should be a better performing machine unless you really need the extra disk space.
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  9. #29
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    I don't want the same issues that Vern seems to have ... am I getting the right package?
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  10. #30
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Also instead of the Intel Package 1 I think I have something better here for the same price that has a backup drive already which is something you are going to want / need. It is a dual processor machine, the drives are a bit smaller but the same or better RAM and 2 processors should be a better performing machine unless you really need the extra disk space.
    How much smaller?

    Can I keep my clientexec license which was free through my reseller account?
    Last edited by rlhanson; 04-28-2010 at 09:14 AM. Reason: another one
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

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