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Thread: Missy Server- Emergency Maintenance

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    Matt's Avatar
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    Default Missy Server- Emergency Maintenance

    Dear customers located on the Missy server:

    It has been brought to our attention that the Missy server has a corrupt hard disk. Due to the fact that unstable hard disks can render a server useless in a very short period of time, we are going to begin migrating sites off of this server effective immediately. We anticipate the process to take up to 48 hours.

    We have decided the best course of action, due to the nature of the problem is to offload all sites on the Missy server to a brand new, more powerful machine, instead of bringing the server offline, and replacing the main hard disk, re-installing and configuring the operating system, reinstalling and configuring cPanel, then restoring each account from backup. This process would take many hours to complete and would result in prolonged downtime.

    This new machine is configured with a hotswapable, multi-hard drive system in a redundant Raid 1 array. Which means that, should a drive failure like this occur in the future, our chances of replacing the faulty drive with zero to no downtime, and no need to move "off server" are improved considerably. Your data is also now going to be stored on 3 separate hard drives on this unit!

    We are going to move your websites to the new server automatically for you. If you are a reseller, you will receive specialized instructions very shorty.

    We have made every effort to configure this server exactly as the old one, so we do not anticipate many, if any problems from this migration. However, please report any problems that you have to our helpdesk, or feel free to post in this thread directly. We anticipate the vast majority of you will not even notice you have been moved to another unit. It should be a pretty transparent migration.

    If you have any questions about the move, do not hesitate to ask us here in this thread or at the helpdesk if you feel it is a private matter, and we will answer them for you as best we can.

    We apologize in advance for any inconvenience, but are also happy that we found this problem in advance, and that have still a window to alleviate the potential problem before it occurs.

    As an added bonus, this migration means that your sites will not be offline during the datacenter transfer scheduled for Feb. 24th that we discussed in a previous email about 2 weeks ago. This migration to the new server will be a migration to a server that exists at the new datacenter already, and we will be transferring your sites over the Internet as opposed to a physical transport of your server which was originally planned.

    We hope you enjoy the upgraded hardware and we look forward to a smooth transitioning process.

    Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
    Last edited by Matt; 02-21-2007 at 04:37 AM.
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