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Thread: mailbox transfers

  1. #21
    Alexander's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    Will this also be available on the shared reseller?
    Sure, as soon as it is used in Stable Cpanel releases, it will be accessible for everyone.
    Quote Originally Posted by rlhanson View Post
    New question: Is there mobile access for webmail for phones which are not pda's?
    Theoretically, if your phone has a browser and access to the Internet, you should be able to access your webmail. But we can't guaranty that it will work for 100%, since phone developers, as a rule, use non-standard browsers.

  2. #22
    nayagi is offline Newbie
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    Default Synchronization of Mail boxes


    I have an email account namely in two different mail servers (ie my server and the other mail If I send the mail, as I have three MX records pointing to the 4wtech server(primary mail server), secureserver(as secondary server) the mail is recieved at the account hosted in the primary mail server).When I stop the exim service in my mail server ( the mail is recieved in the other account(hosted in the So my MX entries are working. I want now to sync up the mailboxes if one went down. Is there any option in the cpanel or any other solution .......................... pls help me immediately.. Any help will be appreciable

    MMC :-)

  3. #23
    Matt's Avatar
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    It all depends on if you use IMAP or POP3 and there is no simple way to achieve this. I have seen some scripts for such a thing but personally I'd rather write my own using rsync. It really depend on if you rely on IMAP or POP functionality. That is the basis of where you need to start looking.

    The simplest way to do this is to simply archive emails which would involve creating a forwarder to an offsite / off server email address that way anything sent to your inbox is copied to the remote server, and you can setup Exim to BCC anything you send to go that address or another one specific to yur sent items as well.

    Anything outside of that gets a bit tricky, especially when you need imap functionality because you need to setup heatbeat or perhaps something even simpler than that to poll all your mail servers then to trigger a script if one of them is down, and then trigger another script when it comes back online.

    If you have your MX's figured out, that is a step in the right direction. now you just need to figure out what kind of replication is required.
    Last edited by Matt; 04-04-2008 at 10:14 AM.
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  4. #24
    charlesh's Avatar
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    One more question about transferring Email: How can I transfer the address book that squirrel mail provides? I looked in the /mail folders and I can't find the address book file to transfer. Is this even possible?


  5. #25
    charlesh's Avatar
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    I just answered my own question! I found the address book detail in the root directory under .sqmaildata folder! works like a charm. Can't believe anyone uses that, but what the hec!


  6. #26
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Matt, et al,

    Any update on when Roundcube will be available to offer our clients?

    Charles Harmon

  7. #27
    sergey is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlesh View Post
    Matt, et al,

    Any update on when Roundcube will be available to offer our clients?

    Charles Harmon

    Once cPanel includes RoundCube in cPanel stable version, it will be installed on all servers. We are not sure when cPanel developers are going to include RoundCube into the stable cPanel version but it should happen very soon.

  8. #28
    Matt's Avatar
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    New features in EDGE usually take 6 months or so to be pushed down the line to STABLE. There are several trees along the way to which it may become available sooner.

    You can always run a less stable build than STABLE if you'd like newer features at the expense of reliability, provided you have a VPS or dedicated server. All the shared machines here generally run STABLE.
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