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Thread: Looking for dedicated servers in US and Russia for VPS

  1. #1
    peleckis is offline Newbie
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    Mar 2012

    Talking Looking for dedicated servers in US and Russia for VPS

    Hi there,

    I'm getting tired looking for affordable servers in mentioned countries. Some of the providers such as (power x6) are offering good prices and locations, but they are going to provide only 4 IP addresses, which is too small amount for us. Other ones had good servers but location is Europe only.

    What we need for beginning are the servers with 4-8 cores, 8-16 GB of memory, RAID1, bandwidth about 3-5TB, and ~10-20 IP addresses. The budget at the moment is as low as possible.

    Can you folks help with finding the best solution for that task?

  2. #2
    David I is offline Newbie
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    Jun 2010


    Hello Peleckis,

    Sure, we can help you to chose a server with Glowhost. I've prepared 2 quotes of servers:

    Both servers are with 2500 GB Transfer (100 Mbps), but you can change the limit at any time.

    Also, you didn't mention about backup disk. Do you need it?

  3. #3
    peleckis is offline Newbie
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    Mar 2012

    Default Looking for dedicated servers in US and Russia for VPS

    Quote Originally Posted by David I View Post
    Hello Peleckis,

    Sure, we can help you to chose a server with Glowhost. I've prepared 2 quotes of servers:

    Both servers are with 2500 GB Transfer (100 Mbps), but you can change the limit at any time.

    Also, you didn't mention about backup disk. Do you need it?


    Thanks for answer. Do you have any server with SAS HDD? I think for start I need minimal 16IP`s or 32Ip`s, because I want transfer current VPS.

    For traffic 2.5TB per month is too less, do you have 1Gbps offer?

    I`m waiting you answer.

  4. #4
    David I is offline Newbie
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    Jun 2010



    Are you sure that you need SAS? It's extremely expensive. If you really need SAS then we need to contact with our manager.

    How about the server below?

    By the way, you can configure a server on your own, here is the link:
    GlowHost Dedicated Server Configurator

  5. #5
    David I is offline Newbie
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    Just to add, I found an mistake in "GlowHost_Quote_powerful_server.pdf", there is missed RAM field.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    If you require 1 gig connections, we have 1 Gig connections on most of those servers you see, available in either Utah or London. Those machines come with 1 TB of monthly transfer.

    If you can come up with a specification that you like, we can make a custom quote for you.
    Send your friends and site visitors to GlowHost and get $125 plus bonus!
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  7. #7
    Sean9568 is offline Nearly a Glow Sage
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    Before you purchase a dedicated server consider the following points:
    1. Technology: Operating system, RAM space, bandwidth
    2. Pricing
    3. Support
    4. Control panel

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