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Thread: Client Exec Issue

  1. #1
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Default Client Exec Issue

    I didn't want to open a ticket for this, because I think that it may be a "me" issue in trying to set up client exec, but having ventured onto their forums and having found the same issue, I figured that it is a common one and something that I can pass along to the reseller community at Glowhost. Granted, I haven't found the solution to this, but hopefully when I do, it will help out someone else.

    Basically, I installed CE and that went quite well. Client exec uses the Ioncube loaders to protect their code. They certainly have put a lot of effort into the interface and I can't say that I blame them a bit. What my problem is that every time I try to add a new user, I get a blank screen when I click update and no redirect page, so I have to refresh or go back to get back to the interface. When I do, the client appears to be added, but there is only a comma from the pull down when you select the client. And, turns out that trying to log in using that information, you can't - the client really doesn't exisit.

    I have found this issue here, on their forums, so I re-uploaded the ion cube files in binary only and still seem to have the same issue.

    If anyone has run into this issue and has found a resolution, please let me know.

    Last edited by charlesh; 10-05-2007 at 02:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    I'd open a ticket with Alberto I am sure he can help. When you re-uploaded the loaded did you do it in binary or ASCII? Try it in binary.
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  3. #3
    charlesh's Avatar
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    I re-uploaded the ioncube package that came in the zip file and the file integrity checker seems to say all files are ok. Everything works fine, now I can add clients, but when I try to enter CC info for my test client, and then to a client update, it gives a blank page and hangs, refresh does nothing and when I get back to the main page, nothing happened. I'm trying to enable for this test client, by the way.

    Can't open a ticket on their site, don't have a login. Kinda a catch 22. As far as I can tell ioncube is AOK.


  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    You might want to re-up the entire package in binary and see what happens. Perhaps a file or 2 were corrupted on the upload.

    As for the logins to their site...
    Don't they have a support license you can buy for like $5.00/mo

    Might be worth it to have during the setup process if you are having these sort of preliminary issues.
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  5. #5
    Matt's Avatar
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    Here is what I found:

    Looks like the Client Exec support plan will run you $5.95 which should take care of your login issue.
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  6. #6
    charlesh's Avatar
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    I'm going to try to upload again - everything in binary, not just the ioncube loaders. If that fails, I'll sign up.

    Thanks again, Matt! I'll post here what I find.

    Charles H

  7. #7
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Update on client exec -

    Not to say anything bad about them - for what they do, it seemed like a very good and feature rich product, but it didn't exactly foot the bill for what I needed.

    I have two types of invoices I send, recurring and one-off. The one-off invoice is for web design and there are a few standard packages that I have, but most of it is by the hour. So, I needed something that would allow me to invoice clients without a one size fits all approach and I needed something that would let customers log-in and then specify their credit card information directly, instead of me having to take it over the phone.

    Well, CE didn't let customers log in and pay an invoice online where the credit card number wasn't already set up by you. But, I found a neat product that does really well called Netinvoicing. It has a few features that I'll never use, such as inventory and setting up warehouses, etc, but setting up was easy and I even customized the look of it for my needs. For 99 bucks you can get a licensed version and you can also download a free trial version. I am not endorsing them because it is the greatest software out there - i'm sure that there are probably better ones, but this was a fast set up, hooked up to well and is already up and running and bringing me in money. You may want to check it out if you have the same kind of need as I did.


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