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Thread: Website Launch

  1. #1
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Default Website Launch


    Finally after putting off my clients for about a week, I was finally able to buckle down and get my site up and running. There are still a few tweaks to manage, but I figured those could be done here and there. I was going for a clean look. Flash banner is to be added later, as well.

    Thanks to Glowhost for all the hosting and reliable support along the way.

    Whew. Happy Thanksgiving, all.

    Charles Harmon

    Harmon Media Group, Inc. ~ Professional, Intelligent Website Design

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Site looks great! Happy TurkeyDay!
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  3. #3
    andychev's Avatar
    andychev is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Nice Site,

    Quote Originally Posted by charlesh View Post

    Finally after putting off my clients for about a week, I was finally able to buckle down and get my site up and running. There are still a few tweaks to manage, but I figured those could be done here and there. I was going for a clean look. Flash banner is to be added later, as well.
    Trying to sort my site aswell but always seem to have something or someone of greater importance to take care of first! I think i might take you aproach and have a week off and blitz it!

    Noticed something on you site that needs a bit of a tweak, on the left hand side there are some bullets that pop up then disapear, see image. Otherwise very nice
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bullets.gif  
    Last edited by andychev; 11-22-2007 at 03:51 AM.

  4. #4
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Yeah, I noticed those yesterday. They seem to appear and disappear, so I'm going to have to create separate rules for them, I think. Thanks for the compliments on the site.

    It's about 90% there, 90% left to go.
    Last edited by charlesh; 11-22-2007 at 03:37 PM. Reason: signature

  5. #5
    trickyBizzness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlesh View Post
    It's about 90% there, 90% left to go.
    Ah, the life of a website owner. It is sort of like "The pursuit of happiness."

    It is an open-ended book. Websites never seem to be completed.

    The good thing, is I have a hard time completing my projects, so web is good for me. If I am always "almost done" then I cannot never "NOT" finish a project that I started!!!

    I always know it will never be completed. I usually stop at 89% of all the projects I start. With web, I know its never going to be done, so I can continue to grow it.

    Last edited by trickyBizzness; 11-23-2007 at 12:00 AM.

  6. #6
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    Very nice, clean and professional appearance. I like it!
    Thank you,
    Lynne Hanson
    RL Hanson-Online

  7. #7
    charlesh's Avatar
    charlesh is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Thanks. Its the look I was going for initially and I am working on some flash for the header to spice it up a bit. Have you had any luck with adwords as related to web design? It is so competitive that I am getting tons of impressions but few clicks. I guess this discussion may belong in a different thread, but oh well. I'm on my blackberry and its too crazy navigating these forums with it. Thanks again!


  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Try running addwords for the keyword "web hosting" if you want to see competetition. Last time I looked at it it was $15.00/click !!! You need about 1000 clicks to convert 1-3 sales it seems like (at least we did when we were running them on the old site) so they are not as good as they used to be.

    Not sure how "web design" goes but one of my associates makes the most money by approaching large corporate sites that are ugly and telling him he will rebuild them. Sort of an email cold call but not spammy at all. It seems to work very well for him.
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  9. #9
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Default cold calls

    I've heard of that too, not a bad idea - there are a lot of crappy websites out there, for sure. I guess anything helps to drum up business during the slow times...

    All these advertising dollars and the best advertising, still, seems to be word of mouth. I guess it's all about who you can trust.


  10. #10
    bdominick's Avatar
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    Wow, I'm so relieved to see there are other hosting/design/dev firms that don't have a real site to speak of yet (or are just getting online). Congrats Charles for getting yours done. Same reasons: always working on someone else's site. Also had to wait a while for freelance artwork (my avatar is taken from it). Our site will finally be posted "next week" -- or I believe September 1st 2007... did that pass already?

    Charles, I noticed you don't list specific prices for anything. We were intending to go the opposite route and list pricing for everything, including hosting, hourly rates for various types of tasks -- the works. One reason is we're unbeatably dirt cheap (living in Upstate NY allows us to to undercut nicely ;-). But I'm wondering if you or others have opinions on listing vs. not listing rates. I would think a lot of potential clients are just quickly browsing lots of potential companies and don't want to bother with inquiries if price is an object...

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