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Thread: GlowHost's CSS Problem

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default GlowHost's CSS Problem


    New thread created---- discussion about CSS deserved its own thread...
    Last edited by Matt; 11-01-2006 at 10:07 PM.
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  2. #2
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
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    Hi, Matt, first of all thanks for your great support my site is finally up. I wanted to note that
    will not validate with Strict doctypes and also it is a bad practice to open links in a new window. The choice of opening a link in a new window should be left to the user. These days even IE 7 supports tabs, right click on a link open in a new tab/new window. I don't know about you but I am always pissed off when I click on a link and it opens a new window. Whould give you a URL to a good page describing all of this, but I forgot the link.
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  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Most site owners don't want their visitors to leave their site, so when linking to external sites most prefer to open a new window.

    Anyways if anyone wants to remove the "_blank" think all they need to do is edit the source and thats fine by us. It was more of a convenience factor for the masses that a rule that had to be followed.

    And if you are as good as you say you are in CSS why don't you have a look at our homepage in IE7 and tell me why it is that the footer wants to float over the text about 3/4 of the way up in that silly browser
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  4. #4
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
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    Talking Haha

    Haha, so you are asking a 20 year-old highschool dropout to help you with your site shame on you

    I got a local "copy" of that page... and took a glance.

    Oh my god , fix your errors!!! Where did you hide your <html> tag? I know you sold it to someone Also read this if you got some free time:

    I see that you are using #container{height:100%} and no height set on body, html I assume you don't fully understand the way percentages work for height property:

    Sorry, I don't have that much free time, since I'm redesigning my site to put on my newly baked host. However this is some quick info I see:

    Umm, don't really know how to explain this...
    Footer in IE7 seem to stick to the same place where the #container stops (do #container{oveflow:auto;} to see what I mean.

    I don't know if it is a bug or you screw something up, BUT:
    #contentf * {height:auto!important;}
    fixes the issue (probably breaks something else though) so I would assume you screw up the height somewhere there. If it doesn't break anything might just stick it into an IE 7 only conditional comment

    Ask MicroSoft why it does that, I'm sure they will happily tell you

    Good luck fixing it... adios
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

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    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
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    Default oh and also...

    ...well wanted to also note that you can use this fix and also append !important to any height declarations that you make in that class, this way I can say it is fully fixed Also what is this little pic right below the "Posts: 6" with ALT "Zoffix Znet is on a road to...", I searched the FAQ couldn't find anything relevant.
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    Wow, nice catch where the heck did that opening html tag for the rest, I'll read up on it in a bit and play around with the stylesheet a bit and see how it goes. heh, and I know we were validating XHTML transitional at some point on most of the pages. Weird.
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  7. #7
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    By golly your fix worked

    Thanks for that, it was bugging me for a long time! Now the second one is why the testimonials dont appear in the footer of IE but they do in every other browser....Ask MS right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoffix Znet View Post
    Also what is this little pic right below the "Posts: 6" with ALT "Zoffix Znet is on a road to...", I searched the FAQ couldn't find anything relevant.
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  8. #8
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Done as in dinner...

    Well, it seems that it is not a CSS issue, the validator ( ) is complaining about some unclosed tags, I don't know what you've changed since the last time I got a copy of index.html but on my local copy
    <div id="footer" style=" margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto; padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:5px;border:none; text-align:center;color:">
    <a href="" target="_self" >
    <div style="padding-left:160px; margin-bottom:5px;background-image:url(/images/testimonial.png);
    I simply closed the <object> tag right away
    and it worked... the rest is your job
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    <object> tags - removed, fixed the footer. No idea how those got there...removed em all from that page actually. Thanks for that one too

    Well you are right, fix one thing, break another.

    Now here is the question that wins some of your hosting fees back in the for of a refund....

    #contentf * {height:auto!important;}

    This cures the IE7 footer issue, but kills the flash content on the page. It shrinks it up and makes it pixelated due to the resize.

    So, if you can figure out how to get

     #contentf * {height:auto!important;}

    Working in tandem with the flash content across IE6, 7 and got some funds coming your way.
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  10. #10
    Zoffix Znet's Avatar
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    Talking :)

    Wow, the code seems to be even more broken that it is used to be now even in FireFox the white background doesn't go all the way down
    Anyhow here is a fix:

    Clear floats:
    <!--End regular page content -->
    <!-- Closing divs for included files that opened them -->
    <div class="clearer">&nbsp;</div>
    <!--End closing included divs -->
    <div id="footer"...
    Fix the Flash (I've added an id="flash" to that movie just in case you have other flash movies there):
    #contentf * 
    #contentf embed#flash
        height: 240px!important; 
        width: 320px!important;
    And if I were you I would put this fix in the IE 7 condcom, since iirc the footer is broken in IE 7 only...

    Now that was extremelly hard to figure out ... better get some beer
    P.S.: Nice smileys... although a few of them I've seen before somewhere and they are quite identical
    CSS doesn't suck - you suck at CSS.

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