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Thread: A new version of Google - Blackle?

  1. #1
    aaidsymonds is offline Almost no longer a newbie!
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    Default A new version of Google - Blackle?

    Its been heard that Google created a black version of its search engine, called Blackle(Blackle - Energy Saving Search). It has exactly same functions but the difference is but obviously with lower energy what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    charlesh's Avatar
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    Looks like someone is just using the Google API? There are other ways to save energy. If you've ever been to India, there is absolutely no emmisions there in most cities. Get yourself behind a few Lorries belching black smoke and it will make your choosing to turn the water off when you brush your teeth a failed endeavor. I'm all for conserving, but it seems like some have taken that concept way too far.

    How about Hybrids? What will we do with all those use Nickel Metal Hydryde batteries when they're done? There's no easy answer to the energy problem.


  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    By the way.... I am highly skeptical that painting a monitor black saves any energy over painting it white. Why would it? What about green? Maybe brown is the best? Just because they are emulating a room in your house that has the lights out doesn't mean those lights are really out.

    Your monitor is still emitting photons into your eyeballs and something has to generate those photons, then something else has to bend those light rays rays so that they appear black in color. (Which is actually an oxymoron because black, by definition, is not a "color"...)

    It's an old wives tale if you ask me. They have a 36 page document linked from their site that may allude to such savings but there are going to need to be more people that test this theory, because at its very very very best, this is a theory IMHO.

    Last edited by Matt; 08-23-2008 at 04:56 AM.
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  4. #4
    charlesh's Avatar
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    I want to a english learn more and grammar two, so I spam excelentie

  5. #5
    rlhanson's Avatar
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    I'm wondering if it's an ingenious way to make profits from having the blackle set as your home page, using the google search as they get paid for clicks - if they are signed up to do so....

    I'll have to read more about them... maybe they are genuinely making an effort for energy savings.

    Every little bit does help - after all, every little bit contributed to some of the crisis.
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  6. #6
    Dmitriy is offline Nearly a Master Glow Jedi
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    Have to confirm Matts words. If you go technical, there a lamps on the other side of your screen that are emitting light independently of the colour on your screen. Between those lamps and your eyes is a layer of LCD that stops some of the lights & the screen changes its colours.

    As for the APIs, if you need custom seacrh - go on & change CSS for your custom search on Google to black . Add some JS and change their logo (I never said it ). Other Google services works the save way - you can change anything, just make some investigation!

  7. #7
    Dmitriy is offline Nearly a Master Glow Jedi
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    BTW, I think Google have nothing to do with that Blackle web-site. It is a configured Google Custom search. The owner of the domain & the whole affair is an Australian company (Heap Media)

  8. #8
    earth018 is offline Newbie
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    Default 18 different versions of “black google” online

    There are around 18 different versions of “black google” online. The best one I’ve found is Cleanblack is the only version that allows you to change the text colors of the google search results. Try it yourself by going to

  9. #9
    charlesh's Avatar
    charlesh is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Seti @ Home is a great project that has been going on for years - basically, it uses your home computer when you're not using it to crunch data from radio telescopes. Multiply this by thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of otherwise dormant computers, and you have quite a bit of processing power at your disposal.

    I like this concept better, rather than fool people with the fact that the absence of color on an LCD or a CRT = power savings, use the resources we have more efficiently.

  10. #10
    Matt's Avatar
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    SETI is cool, so is Folding at home. Its running on my PS3 right now.

    If they had a SETI app for PS3 I'd be running that instead.
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