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Thread: Re: Missy Scheduled Maintenance - Sunday April 15th, 11 PM EST

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Missy Scheduled Maintenance - Sunday April 15th, 11 PM EST

    The Missy server is behaving strangely and has some issues that need to be looked into. We suspect possible bad disk, cables or RAID controller. Unfortunately to check this, it requires powering down the server and operating it in single user mode and or shutting the machine down completely.

    We need to run some diagnostics on some of the internal hardware to check for any problems, and return it to service when they have been isolated and corrected.

    We anticipate about 30 minutes or so where your site will not be reachable.

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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  2. #2
    Michelle is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Hi Matt,

    Did you find and resolve the problems on Haylee and Missy?


  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Behind your monitor


    Unfortunately, the answer is maybe to both.

    The results of the diagnostics we ran on Missy were inconclusive and reported no problems with the RAID hardware.

    We reseated all the cables on that machine so its possible something was loose on not making a strong enough connection.

    Regarding Haylee the upgrade process to a RAID 1 system failed because of unforeseen problems and it had to be rolled back to its original state. We still believe that the main harddisk on Haylee is going bad but we ran an fsck on the machine while it was in single-user mode to repair some of the problems on the disk.

    Users on Haylee are most likely going to have to be migrated to other servers or another fresh server to replace the existing Haylee, that or we will have to try the upgrade again here in a few days but that all depends on if and how fast things go bad on that machine and if the problems that prevented the upgrade this time can be corrected with the existing hardware.
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