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Thread: File System Check on Olga

  1. #1
    sergey is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Default File System Check on Olga

    The server Olga was rebooted and it's performing file system check now.

  2. #2
    klikmouse is offline Newbie
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    Thanks for the update, sergey!

    I've been noticing unusual server load lately. Is it a spam issue or hardware issue?

  3. #3
    simi is offline Certified Glow Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by klikmouse View Post
    Thanks for the update, sergey!

    I've been noticing unusual server load lately. Is it a spam issue or hardware issue?
    I've wondered the same thing.

  4. #4
    sergey is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    It was a problem with the /usr partition. We hope that everything is fine with the disk drives.

  5. #5
    Matt's Avatar
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    Right now the file system is being analyzed by fsck and when that happens the server is put in single-user mode which means only the person at the datacenter can be connected to the machine to see whats going on, all requests from the outside world do not work...

    Anyways what fsck does is try to correct any disk errors that may exist. It usually only comes on when Linux thinks there is a hardware problem on one of the disks, but it is not entirely foolproof, and unfortunately, it does take some time to complete once it has been started.

    Sure, we can cancel the process half way through to bring the server back online but that is not a good thing usually....

    As for the slowdowns, I am not sure if it is due to bad disks or the number of users on the server all contributing to the load. if I were to make a guess, I would say it is the number of users all competing for the same resources. The budget shared servers have a lot more users on them than the advanced and professional packages and the loads run a lot lower on those 2 types of shared hosting in comparison to the budget level.

    This week we will be aggressively suspending budget accounts that consume too many resources which should help the rest of you out a bit and at the same time make some people very upset....the ones that get suspended of course.
    Last edited by Matt; 07-10-2008 at 12:26 AM.
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  6. #6
    Pault is offline Newbie
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    Hi, do you have any idea how long it will take to do the file check and get back online as I am in Australia and it is in the middle of the day here. Prime time.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
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    Its impossible to say really, it all depands on how much data exists on the partitions that it is checking. It can take several minutes to many hours quite honestly.
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