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Thread: [Streaming] How can I stream Real Audio and Real Video?

  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default [Streaming] How can I stream Real Audio and Real Video?

    You can stream using several methods. This thread pertains to those of you who require streaming using Real Networks streaming technogy. If you are not specifically trying to stream Real Audio or Real Video files, then this thread does not pertain to you.

    You can stream Real Audio and Real Video using our servers, however we do not have Real Audio server software running on the servers. This can be great because you do not have to pay for expensive Real Server Licensing to stream.

    Each audio clip requires two files: a metafile with extension .ram, and the digital audio clip itself, usually with the extension .ra but there are others. The .ram file holds one or more lines of text, each of which references the .ra file to be played when the .ram file is accessed by the browser.

    The .ram file is a text file with a URL to the file that is to be streamed. You can use these example formats:
    <A HREF="file.ram">
    <A HREF="">
    Typically you'll create a realaudio subdirectory in your public_html directory to keep your files organized. Place all your files to be streamed in that subdirectory.

    Notice that the above address goes in the .ram metafile or metatag, not in your HTML code.

    Your HTML code calls the .ram metafile. Then the .ram metafile is used to call up the .ra realmedia file for streaming.

    Then you make a link on your page to the .ram file (which calls the .ra file for streaming)

    You should include several optimized varients for different connection speeds that your visitors may require, for example 56k 128k and higher.
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  2. #2
    filmedevents is offline Newbie
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    Re-recorded files I can do.
    How about streaming live video files? How does that work?

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Depends on the technology used to stream...real, windows media, etc.
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  4. #4
    filmedevents is offline Newbie
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    Well I was going to use Real Producer Plus and hoping to use Helix server.
    So, question 1: Does GlowHost have Helix Server?
    Question 2: Is there any way at all of you guys letting their clients stream live video?

  5. #5
    Matt's Avatar
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    We do not have an Helix Servers, however we are not opposed to having them either. If you'd like one we can have it installed or install it for you on one of the dedicated servers.

    According to their site they suggest at lease a P4 or equivalent processor and at least 512 megs of ram so all of our servers exceed those requirements.

    See managed dedicated servers

    And yes, you can stream. It is your server so you can do anything you like with it.
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  6. #6
    trickyBizzness's Avatar
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    I see you guys now support Flash Video streams (.flv) so we can do stuff like youtube has?

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
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    That is correct, please see the thread regarding flash video streaming.
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  8. #8
    Ricardo is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by filmedevents View Post
    Re-recorded files I can do.
    How about streaming live video files? How does that work?
    I have a question about this. If the video exists on a file, isn't it already recorded and not "live", or are we talking about a short delay?

    I hope you don't mind me jumping in here.

  9. #9
    trickyBizzness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ricardo View Post
    I have a question about this. If the video exists on a file, isn't it already recorded and not "live", or are we talking about a short delay?

    I hope you don't mind me jumping in here.
    "Streaming" and a "Live Stream" are two different things.

    With streaming the way it works is this:

    You have a static file (pre-recorded as you say) on the server, lets say that file is 10 megs in size. Instead of making the user wait a couple minutes for the file to completely download before they can watch, or listen to it, the player software will calculate the user's Internet connection speed, and based on that speed, will start playing the file before the entire file has been downloaded.

    Think of YouTube. Sometimes you find an hour long movie but playback starts almost immediately and the rest of the file downloads in the background so that you can start watching the video (almost) immediately.

    In the old days if you did not stream your content, you would have to wait a long time to enjoy your content.

    .flv is the same technology YouTube uses and it allows you to stream content from static files to your site visitors "on demand" which enhances the user experience.

    "Live Stream" Or "Live Feed" is something entirely different and is usually done using a ShoutCast Server (which I have here with GlowHost) and it allows me to host my Internet radio station so that I can play my MP3 files or talk to people (half-duplex) over the Internet in real-time, sort of like a regular OTA (over the air) radio broadcast.

    Half-duplex means "one-way" communication....not to be confused with "full-duplex" which would be something like Skype or any other VOIP solution.

    Flash video is a neat thing and works very well and I am happy GlowHost now supports it. I plan on making my own streaming video site very soon.
    Last edited by trickyBizzness; 08-01-2007 at 01:21 AM.

  10. #10
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