If it I set it up for, say, 12:00am on september 8, when will it activate? at midnight of my timezone or the server's?
If it I set it up for, say, 12:00am on september 8, when will it activate? at midnight of my timezone or the server's?
Hello Jory,
Cron job will be activated at midnight according to the server's timezone.
You can check server time by running "date" command from CLI.
Have no fear,
GlowHost is Here!
What's cli? and what's the full command? Thanks for the quick replies, btw.
CLI is command line interface. You need to connect to the server using PuTTY (via SSH protocol) and run "date" command to see time:
Sun Sep 7 15:07:38 EDT 2014
Have no fear,
GlowHost is Here!