Poll: Which is better for hosting?

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Thread: Hosting platform

  1. #1
    teammate is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Default Hosting platform

    Is there any benefit of Linux over Windows? Which is better?

  2. #2
    andychev's Avatar
    andychev is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    This should be a linux vs microsoft poll!

    It depends who you ask and what you are trying to acheive. To my knowledge not everything that runs on a microsoft server will run on a Linux server and vice versa so the main decision when choosing a platform is whether it will run on it.

    Assuming both Linux and Microsoft platforms can both run whatever it is so say it is just standard basic html pages which is better i guess boils down to which is most reliable. I think i would say Linux properly administered comes out on top of microsoft however there is very little in it. The main thing in hosting isnt really which hardware or software is better it is more the people who set them up and run them where the advantages can be found from one host to another.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    The poll has been added....and I prefer Linux
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  4. #4
    teammate is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Thank you andychev for your detailed explanation.

  5. #5
    greymatter is offline No longer a Newbie
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    voted linux

    Computer Tech/Internet Development

  6. #6
    sara12 is offline Newbie
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    Linux is better than windows, because it is cheaper than windows and is a bit easier to use.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Actually, to me, the question is Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL vs. Windows/IIS/ASP/MSSQL (or, at worse Access!). LAMP is cheaper, more secure and more widely deployed. Also being open source there is far more development and support than the closed, MS option. Of course if your entire enterprise is built on, and has support for, Microsoft based solutions it may be easier - but more expensive - to do that end to end. That said, I's still lean toward a 'nix solution for anything beyond your LAN.

  8. #8
    gavind is offline Banned
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    If you are setting up a server, you need to go with linux. This is opensource and cost wise, it's to your advantage. Problem here is it's not for everybody. You need to have google search skills to pull this off.

    Windows is best for clients in my experience. But for servers, I'll give it a 100% no because of costs.
    Last edited by AndrewGlow; 06-06-2012 at 07:00 PM.

  9. #9
    Andrew Carlson is offline Junior Web Sage
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    This question can hardly come down to just "Which is better?", it would have to be more like "Which OS is better for <Insert Goal or Requirement here>".

    1. What type of application are you planning on running?
    If you are going to run a dedicated .NET application, odds are you would pick a version of Windows(although if you really wanted you could use a linux distribution)

    2. If it's a web application/site, is it built in PHP/MySQL or ASP/MSSQL?
    The OS should to match the software you are planning on using. Though you could use any mix of software and OS, it would be wise to use the native OS or the one that would be the most practical. You don't need a Windows Sever 2012 setup if you are running a PHP/MySQL app, a simple LAMP environment would work fine.

    3. Personal preference, personal preference, personal preference, personal preference, personal preference, personal preference!
    The fate of you decision should fall to what you find most comfortable using, if you have never used a Linux distribution before, it would probably be best if you started with Windows until you gained some more experience.

    These points extend to a hosting company as well, think about them from your targeted clients point of view; What kind of service do you wan't to offer them.

  10. #10
    jamesrock is offline Newbie
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    Linux hosting is better than windows hosting, because it is very cheaper than windows and is a bit easier to use.

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