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Thread: What did I do wrong this time?

  1. #11
    vorpalbunny is offline Certified Glow Sage
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    Sorry, things got hectic here for a bit. Thanks, yes, the index page problem was just what Matt said it was (and do I feel stupid!)

    I'll send you the links to the Word pages in my response to the ticket momentarily.

  2. #12
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vorpalbunny View Post
    ... (and do I feel stupid!)
    There is no reason to feel stupid. We all were in the same boat as you when we first started. You should feel smart actually. You are willing to try to figure it out. Many people just give up.

    My first web page was about 600 megabytes. Needless to say, yours looks a lot better, and is about 599.99 less megs than my original one!

    Good job so far. We don't see many like you who have no clue what they are doing, but want to learn. (don't take that wrong...we all had no clue when we started)

    We will help you figure it out, if you promise to stick with it, AND, not get annoyed with "our" (The Web Conglomerate) bland tones. Seems like a fair trade to me....

    We have been friendly so far, but when the rest of us started making web pages, the help was "not so friendly." The Internet is(and still is) a Faceless World, and many are extremely unfriendly. So, if you can get used to that concept, and go on with the day, you will be good to go. Sometimes the most unfriendly people are the best teachers.

    It's actually refreshing to me, to see someone new who wants to figure it out on their own. 3 years ago I would not feel refreshed, because everyone wanted to figure it out...on their own. We had some horrible customers. They figured if they could type their own name in Word that, they could have a website that made money all by itself.... hmmm...

    How did those HTML tutes go on that site that rlhanson recommended?

    Pretty blah site, but when I looked at it, but a great one!

    HTML is tough by name, but a mandated requirement.

    HTML is really easy if you think about a few things:

    <b> BOLD
    <i> Italics

    If you understand those 2 concepts + the part about closing the tag:
    </b> closing bold
    </i> closing italic

    Then you will be good to go.

    After you understand the basic tags, work on tables.

    If you are a table master, it is time for .css
    Last edited by Matt; 09-07-2007 at 05:54 AM.
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  3. #13
    vorpalbunny is offline Certified Glow Sage
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    Thanks for the encouragement!

    This is kind of funny - I've been on forums relating to various interests and hobbies (so I'm kind of used to the Faceless - and sometimes unfriendly - World) and I have used tags to italicize words and so on, without realizing they were HTML tags!

    I've only gotten to the fourth HTML tutorial, but so far they're very clear, easy to follow, and highly useful.

    We will help you figure it out, if you promise to stick with it, AND, not get annoyed with "our" (The Web Conglomerate) bland tones.
    I promise! I can use all the help I can get, and I'm definitely not going to give up - advice will be gratefully received and not wasted. And hopefully there are other newbies who'll read all this and benefit from it as much I am!

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