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Thread: No free months and PHPMOTION problem...

  1. #1
    jacey is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Default No free months and PHPMOTION problem...


    It's Jacey again. I was finally able to log into my account, however, I noticed that I only have 3 months of service, and I read that I would get 2 free months at I paid for three months + the 2 free months = 5 months. But I only have three... I was told to mention PHPmotion at the checkout in order to get the promotion, and I did. It asked me where I heard of glowhost and I typed phpmotion. Please let me know how I will receive those two free months.

    Also, I am having this problem... I uploaded all the phpmotion files to my publlic_html folder in binary mode, then i made the necessary permission changes, but I get the following error when I try to access

    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

  2. #2
    sergey is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    You would need to use the coupon "2FREEMONTHS" in order to get 2 free months.

    In regards to the error you get when running the PHPmotion installation script, it seems like it's a permission issue. Please make sure that the permissions on your files are set to 644 and folders - to 755, otherwise you will get an Internal Server Error if permissions on them are set to 777 or 666.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is online now GlowHost Administrator
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    Thiose errors are likely due to incorrect permissions on PHPmotion. Their setup docs are for servers that run PHP as module, and they do not have any docs that I am aware of for installation on servers that run PHP as a CGI. (AKA suPHP or PHPSuexec)

    Basically where you would start is looking at the error logs in cPanel to see what you are dealing with. But I can tell you if you used their docs that it is a permissions problem.

    Your CGI files need to be in the cgi-bin directory and they need to be permissioned as 755

    Your directories anywhere on the server should be 755 and your php files should be set to 644 or lower.

    As for the billing issue, please open a ticket at our helpdesk's billing department so they can take a look at your account. From your description you entered the "Coupon Code" in the "Where did you find us" box instead of the "Coupon Code" box.

    On a side note if you would like to upgrade to a 6 month package they can install phpmotion for you for free.
    Last edited by Matt; 05-19-2008 at 07:16 PM.
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  4. #4
    jacey is offline Junior Web Sage
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Thanks a million matt, I changed the permissions and it works great. Also, I have submitted a ticket and hopefully that issue will be sorted out as well.
    Thanks again!

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