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Thread: MySQL remote host user access strangeness

  1. #1
    bdominick's Avatar
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    Default MySQL remote host user access strangeness

    I just found strange entries in some MySQL users I created on my server. I'm hoping someone can explain them. I'm not sure if they're abnormal, but I can't figure out how they got made or why. Hopefully just newbie confusion on my part...

    I created a new db user for a specific database for a specific client account, let's call it "sam". Looking in phpMyAdmin, under the "Privileges" tab for that database, I see several hosts with various privileges for accessing the db as "sam" or as "root". Of course, localhost has priviveges. So does 192.168.1.%, which isn't too alarming, though I'm not sure exactly who that is or why it needs access, or if it's truly secure.

    But "sam" has listed as a host. I have no idea who that is. A DNS lookup didn't help. And "root" has a host called [removed] listed with full permissions. Not sure what that is, but I don't like the sound of it. In fact, for all db's the root user seems to have this [removed] host listed, though for the 72... IP only appears in custom users I create (or an installer creates) for a DB.

    Am I ignorant of something here? Paranoid?
    Last edited by Matt; 12-04-2007 at 06:57 PM.

  2. #2
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    Never saw anything like that. You should probably put in a ticket on this I would say.

  3. #3
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    Since this is a cpanel thing, you will need to provide a login for support since they won't be able to see that without logging in to YOUR cpanel account. That is, I am assuming it is cPanel and not WHM that you are doing this?

  4. #4
    bdominick's Avatar
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    No it is WHM. I have root on a dedicated server. I'll put in a ticket. Thanks!

  5. #5
    bdominick's Avatar
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    I see the vB software removed one of the hostnames I had entered.
    Last edited by Matt; 12-04-2007 at 07:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    It was removed by me. I'd prefer that name not be dispalyed for security reasons.
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