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Thread: .htaccess 301 redirect of query string URL?

  1. #1
    rickpugh's Avatar
    rickpugh is offline Practically a Glow Sage
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    Default .htaccess 301 redirect of query string URL?

    Hey Team,

    Really out of my league on this as I have been reading online but not getting the finer points of everyone's explanations so thought i would post my challenge here and see if anyone can help me....

    1. I had a Joomla site up for over three years. I moved away from Joomla to a Word Press site about two months ago.

    2. My old joomla site had dirty URLs... like this

    3. Now that I have migrated to WP I have clean URLs...

    Having said all of that, I have a ton of 404 errors on the site after the migration that I need to clean up..... The majority are old query string URLs from the old Joomla site. I want to redirect people to the home page of the site if they try to go to any of the old query string URLs.

    First Challenge: The query string URLs I want to redirect were dynamically generated by some of the old Joomla Modules so I need to do a wildcard on the first part of the query string so that anything after the wildcard is also caught with the redirection rule.

    So... here is what I am trying to do:

    Example URL that is getting 404 error:

    What I want to catch:**wild card here ** <-- basically any query string that starts with "?option=com_jevent"

    Where I want to redirect to:

    I came up with the following but know it isn't correct as I am getting 500 - Internal Server Error with this one:

    # redirect old JEvents Query String URLS to home page
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^?option=com_jevents(.*)$ [NC]
    RewriteRule jevents [R=301]
    Anyone know what I did wrong or what would be correct?



  2. #2
    Alexander's Avatar
    Alexander is offline Technical Analyst
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    Hi Rick,
    How did you performed migration? Probably the plugin at WordPress › Joomla/Mambo To WordPress Migrator « WordPress Plugins can help you with it?

  3. #3
    rickpugh's Avatar
    rickpugh is offline Practically a Glow Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander View Post
    Hi Rick,
    How did you performed migration? Probably the plugin at WordPress › Joomla/Mambo To WordPress Migrator « WordPress Plugins can help you with it?
    Hey Alex,

    Completely fresh start. No migration done. I completely redeveloped all content (top to bottom).

    When WP site was ready, moved it to Prod and cut off Joomla site.



  4. #4
    GlowAlex is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Please try the following code:

    # redirect old JEvents Query String URLS to home page
    RewriteBase / 
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^?option=com_jevents(.*)$ [NC] 
    RewriteRule jevents/$1 [R=301]

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