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Thread: Cannot seem to run a script

  1. #1
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Default Cannot seem to run a script

    I'm trying to load an app called "Simpleviewer" onto a client's web site. I have d/l'd all the relative files and followed the instructions to the letter. I asked Alexander about it and of all the versions to run the script, he recommended the php version.

    My problem is the instructions tell me to "using a web browser, navigate to the folder on the server where the build script is located. Run the script."

    The developer has been next to no help. I ask of y'all to see if you can offer some advice on why I can't get to the script to run it.

    Jack Gold
    Village of Sloan, NY
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  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Why don't you go ahead and post the installation instructions here so we can see what they have to say.
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  3. #3
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Thanks for the quick response. About to have dinner so I'll check back later.

    Here they are in all their glory! And here's the URL

    SimpleViewer - Automatic Web Server Instructions

    1: Download SimpleViewer files

    Download and unzip SimpleViewer files to a new folder.
    2. Download Build script

    Select which server-side script to use based on your webserver type. Unzip Build script into the same folder created in Step 1.

    3. Add image files

    Copy your image files to the 'images' Folder. Images should be JPGs and saved as 'non-progressive'.
    4. Set gallery options (optional)

    Edit the Build script using a text editor (e.g. NotePad, Text Edit). Set gallery options where indicated in the script. Here is a list of the XML gallery options with their descriptions.
    Set if you would like to show a Download link as the caption for each image by setting the showDownloadLinks variable to true or false.
    5. Set background color (optional)

    To set the background color, edit index.html. Enter the hex color value as the last parameter in the SWFObject code line:
    var fo = new SWFObject("viewer.swf", "viewer",
    "100%", "100%", "7", "#ff00ff"); 6. Upload files

    Upload all your files to a new folder on your web server using an FTP program.
    7. Set file permissions

    Set file permissions/attributes on the build script, gallery.xml and thumbs folder to 'read/write/execute' for all levels (777). You can do this with your FTP program, check the documentation.
    8. Run Build Script

    In a web browser, navigate to the URL of your build script (For example '' ). The build script will inform you if thumbnails and XML have been created successfully.
    9. Edit Captions (optional)

    If you require customised image captions, you can download and edit gallery.xml from your gallery web folder. gallery.xml is a simple text file that can be edited in any text editing software (e.g. NotePad, TextEdit). Insert image captions in the caption tag for each image. Re-upload gallery.xml back to your gallery web folder.
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  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    And for step 2 which which server-side script did you choose?
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  5. #5
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    The v1 PHP Script
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  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    And what error do you get when you run the php build script?

    My guess is your problem lies in file permissions. These docs is step 7 say to use 777, but in reality on a suPHP server you should have your directories set to 755 and your php files set to 644
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  7. #7
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    I get a 404 page not found. Can I just change the permissions in my ftp program when I upload the file?
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  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Yes you can use your FTP program to change file permissions.
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  9. #9
    jgold101 is offline Junior Web Sage
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    That appears to have done it now I just have to work thru the next set of bugs like where my image gallery should be.

    Thanks a ton for your help! That's why I refer everyone who's building a site to y'all. You're the best
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  10. #10
    Matt's Avatar
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    We appreciate that, thanks
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