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Thread: Some useful Windows Vista/7 widgets

  1. #1
    AndrewGlow is offline Master Glow Jedi
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    Default Some useful Windows Vista/7 widgets


    Was searching for some interesting widgets and found out several that are useful for people involved in web-life (including hosting). Check them below, hope you'll like them:

    Expired Domain 1.0

    This tool was developed to be a small expired domain name finder that lists available expired domain names that have just dropped because the previous owner didn't renew it or forgot to do so. The Expired Domain sidebar gadget currently lists .com domain names only.
    I think a useful tool

    Server Ping

    Ping upto 5 servers to check if they are alive. Either view their ping reponse time or use a traffic light system to quickly view if they are online or offline. Click for more details such as a traceroute or dnslookup.

    If you want the 25 server Pro version, go to the blog at Law's Sidebar Gadget Development Blog for more details
    Name:  LARGE.jpg
Views: 5651
Size:  2.7 KB
    IMHO, cool widget. Not only for customers, but also for support. Of course, 5 servers and even 25 is not enough, but if there's need to monitor a problematic server during sometime, this widget will help for sure.

    Ping Monitor 1.0

    Ping Monitor is a simple gadget that was designed in order to provide you with a simple means of pinging a server and viewing the ping results in real-time.

  2. #2
    techhead's Avatar
    techhead is offline No longer a Newbie
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    This is a pretty cool idea for a thread. Just bumping this up in case anyone else has anything to contribute!

  3. #3
    Caiaphas's Avatar
    Caiaphas is offline Practically a Glow Sage
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    I love the Win 7 gadget called Wireless Networks available from Win 7's gadget site. It tells the percentage strength of your wireless connection to your router. I can tell at a glance my connection percentage.

    Right now I'm at 76% (pretty far away from my router)

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