Recently spent a week out in the Ozark Mountains helping my mother replace her kitchen - my hard work was her birthday present! Removed and replaced drywall, cabinets, countertops and even a part of the ceiling!
I actually used to work for a company doing residential house painting (which also included drywall, mudding, wallpaper removal - all the really fun stuff).
I've decided, as I review this week back to work doing the web design, I would much rather be coding then hanging drywall! <lol>
Web design doesn't create bruises or busted knuckles (unless of course you throw a fit when the code won't work no matter what you do!) or leave a bunch of dust up your nose, and your clothes stay in much better condition! (Though I have been known to have a flat spot on my forehead from leaning it onto the desk when I'm ready to throw something!)
I like the physical work of drywalling, mudding, and painting but definately enjoy exercising my brain much more - think I'm gettin' old!
What kind of work have you done prior to what you do now? Which is better?