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Thread: Difference between cloud hosting and shared hosting

  1. #11
    chandanshivebharti is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Sharedhosting is a way for host providers to create small segments on a dedicatedserver. Now days this can easily be done with powerful control panels such ascPanel which we operate on all our shared servers. Every time an account iscreated on a shared server, the customer gets their own control panel, diskspace, bandwidth – these resources are dedicated to the customers account.
    Thistype of setup called Shared Hosting allows host providers to pack hundreds ofsmall websites onto one dedicated server.
    Cloudhosting is the same concept as shared, but not the same setup. In a sharedhosting environment, you are using one dedicated server and splitting it intomany small pieces, and those small pieces are the actual accounts or websitesper say.

  2. #12
    nomanali is offline Banned
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    To explain the difference in simple words I would just say that in Shared hosting you have one server which is divided among many users that makes your website slow but in case of cloud hosting, you have many servers acting as one server so that if one server is fully occupied, you get other server to work on automatically.

  3. #13
    A_S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomanali View Post
    To explain the difference in simple words I would just say that in Shared hosting you have one server which is divided among many users that makes your website slow but in case of cloud hosting, you have many servers acting as one server so that if one server is fully occupied, you get other server to work on automatically.

    Cloud hosting is a better choice than shared hosting because of its ability to handle huge amounts of traffic, enhanced security protection & reliability. Still, these extras come at a price, and most cloud hosting alternatives are more costly than shared hosting plans. But if you’re planning on developing your website and need a website with a high-performance rate of the benefits, then cloud hosting will be the most suitable option for your requirements. And if you’re just started and have a very small or low budget, a shared hosting plan may be a great option for your business.

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