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Thread: New Merchant Account Program: Free included!

  1. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    Well we barely have power and I have my PDA acting as a modem for my laptop since all the broadband is expected to be down for at least 2-3 more weeks. I took a quick peek at their site again and I think they are being deceptive with the way they are selling the product.

    It says right on their home page that there are "no monthly fees" and to "Stop paying monthly fees." Yet all you have to do is click the "rate card" link and you will see that in fact, there are monthly minimum fees! $25.00 per month to be exact which is right around the same as everyone else. It means you have to process a minimum of $1000/mo with them or suffer the $25.00 "minimum" fee as they call it. Our reseller and ISP merchant account has no monthly minimum.

    So right there, if you had a choice of providers, with identical fees, my thought would be to go with the one who did not try to hide what the actual charges are vs. a provider that tells you up front as to what they are, and in this case, waives the monthly fee. If they are that blantently trying to hide something from the start, it makes one wonder what else they are promising but not delivering. (read: how is the support?)

    Another thing to be concerned with is their gateway. I consider to be the standard when it comes to gateways and everyone else is a copy. There are some very bad copies out there, but also some good ones. It is luck of the draw if you go in blind.

    Ask yourself:
    Does my shopping cart support their no-name gateway?
    If not, do I have to hire a programmer to write custom code so my site or scripts work with their gateway?
    Is there a hidden "minimum fee" for the gateway like there was for the merchant account?
    And the most important thing, how is support?

    I suggest opening a sample support ticket with them or call and see what happens.

    Anyhow, let me know what you think, and if you have hosting reseller package questions I can answer those as well.

    merchant account with free gateway
    merchant account with free gateway for web hosts
    Last edited by Matt; 02-17-2006 at 04:06 PM.
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  2. #12
    Websync is offline What's a Guru? I want to be a GlowRu!
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    Thanks Matt - You made alot of really good points and I do agree; has always been an industry standard.

    It is not easy wading through all of these sites. Too many do hide the fine print - if they even include it at all. You have been a big help. Hope things get better out there soon. I will email you privately about the reseller account.

  3. #13
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    You can use the PM button to private message me from these boards by clicking on my name on the top left of every post, then selecting the private message option, or you can email me. I will PM you with the address.
    Last edited by Matt; 11-15-2005 at 04:48 PM.
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  4. #14
    Matt's Avatar
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    Default FREE now for everyone!

    I wanted the subscribers to this thread to know beforehand that we have secured another great merchant account offering by way of E-onlinedata. Once again these guys come through for us and our subscribers.

    If you have not had an opportunity to visit their site or ask them questions on the phone, I will save you the time. There are real people working there. They are more than cordial on the phone, and their rates are great, even before this offer. E-onlinedata is one of the best if not the best merchant processing solutions for online payments.

    This is a deal that allows our "regular" e-commerce sites to take part in our FREE offer, previously only available to web hosting resellers. FREE is now available for all!


    merchant account with gateway
    merchant account with free gateway for web hosts
    Last edited by Matt; 02-17-2006 at 04:08 PM.
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  5. #15
    ourcoffeebarn is offline Newbie
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    Thumbs up I switched to and I LOVE It

    I took Matt up on an offer for a free set up with and I couldn't be happier! I am an established web retailer doing over $12,000.00 a month in sales, and I used to get a few bad transactions a month with my old gateway. I have had no problems with EOnLinedata or The security is GREAT and very easy to adjust to your own settings.
    The tech support is instant online, or Email, Awesome! My old Gateway outsourced to a no nothing about payment gateway support service that really pushed me over to

    I can't say enough good about this service!
    Extremely Happy!

    Our Coffee Barn

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