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Thread: How compatible are Macs with website hosting?

  1. #1
    SallyDP is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Default How compatible are Macs with website hosting?

    I want to think that having a Mac is not a terrible problem when it comes to setting up a website... I keep reading all around and I see people mainly using PCs. Now, I have an iBook, and always been using Macs. I have to put up with stuff like not having full features with internet programs: From using MSN groups to even MSN Messanger, the features for Mac users were not all available (I believe Bill Gates is behind this )
    How easy, or better yet, how compatible are Mac systems when one wants to set up a website? Are there tutorials available? Or it is something only reserved for PCs? Sorry about my ignorance, but here is the perfect place to ask these questions!

  2. #2
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    Setting up a website isn't the problem. There is adobe GoLive and Macromedia Dreamweaver for that. The problems come in when using Javascript. Safari just aggrevates me everytime I use it! I think Steve has Gatesitis! Like Bill, they have their own quirkyness that is just a horror to debug. The Console is basically worthless. Looks like I have to upgrade to OSX 10.4 to get proper tools, but thats because I am programming highly interactive sites. For normal sites with maybe a forum or ecommerce, there should be no issues for you. The problem is that these other sites set up THEIR websites to be windows-centric, but that doesn't mean YOU have to.
    So I would say you should be just fine. Firefox for the Mac is excellent!

  3. #3
    SallyDP is offline Junior Web Sage
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    Thnak you so much! This is like an exploration to me. I know NOTHING about real programing, but even one of my friends was telling me that there are tutorials that can guide me "step by step" while setting up a website. Also, just few days ago I downloaded FireFox, and I'm surprised because it is very fast, but something weird happened: I was trying to input some info required by a site and didn't allow me to do so! Then, I changed browsers and used Safari, and I could do it. I think the Firefox for Macs is still not "widely compatible".

  4. #4
    jmarcv's Avatar
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    I was trying to input some info required by a site
    I'd be interested in the link. What I find is that Firefox adheres to the standards more than IE or Safarim so I would say the SITE wasn't compatible (g) - but I do find in many ways that Safari is closer to IE when it 'breaks the rules'

  5. #5
    SallyDP is offline Junior Web Sage
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    The site is a financial site,, banking basically, and it wouldn't allow me to input anything. Good thing I was on the phone at the same time with the representative, and he was the one guiding me into the process, so when I couldn't input anything I told him I was using FireFox and it was newly installed. I changed to Safari right away and proceeded to complete the whole process. I guess maybe FireFox is not "accepted" by everybody yet? Just a wild guess...

  6. #6
    jmarcv's Avatar
    jmarcv is offline Cranky Coder
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    I just logged into my fidelity account, viewed positions, went to sell some shares and got to the preview all without issue.
    But thats the world of computers for you....

    I think Firefox is WIDELY accepted as a viable browser and has taken some usage away from IE.

    In any event, I think the main answer is that for the most part, the Mac has a place and should not compromise your ability to create a site.

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline GlowHost Administrator
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    Oh, and Macs are VERY compatible with cPanel hosting. The guys that write cPanel use Mac computers, which is something that surprised me.
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