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Thread: VPS - Slow Joomla Installation

  1. #1
    Dybbuk is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Default VPS - Slow Joomla Installation


    I recently installed Joomla on a VPS package but a first time load of the test site takes 12-20 seconds and it's sluggish thereafter.

    While I am looking into this on the Joomla side, is there any known VPS issue that might be causing this? I ask because a previous (recent) Joomla installation had no such problem on a different host.



  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    What does the load look like on your VPS at the time when you launch the install? Overall I find VPS slower than shared, semi-dedicated or dedicated so perhaps that's the issue but it still should not take more than a second or 2 not 10+

    Have you looked at the network connection between you and the server/ Perhaps running a traceroute would reveal a problem.
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  3. #3
    omarfilip's Avatar
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    I think the VPS is a poor choice for anything but a static site. I had the same issue with phpBB so I moved to a dedicated server.

    You've got some 20-30 users with an unknown amount of sites hosted on the VPS. The sites are doing their thing, and on top of that you'll have staggered backups and cPanel and WHM upgrades going on. Check to see the server status through the NetStatus Monitor and you'll notice that if one VPS is in the red or hogging resources it will drag down all other sites with it.

  4. #4
    Dybbuk is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the replies.


    What does the load look like on your VPS at the time when you launch the install?
    Static pages load quickly enough... the Joomla installation did not seem especially slow. However, from the first load it was slow. I've been debugging the site and here's a snippet of the load times today (Joomla index.php):

    14:00 GMT - Application afterRender: 13.911 seconds, 6.71 MB
    21:00 GMT - Application afterRender: 1.132 seconds, 6.75 MB
    23:20 GMT - Application afterRender: 59.496 seconds, 6.63 MB
    23:50 GMT - Application afterRender: 140.520 seconds, 6.75 MB (!!!)

    I think 15-20 seconds is a typical load time, although at 9pm all pages were pretty fast for a while.

    Have you looked at the network connection between you and the server/ Perhaps running a traceroute would reveal a problem.
    Yes, 173ms and no missing hops. Seems fine. I think this is a MySQL server problem or maybe just the VPS itself...?


    I think the VPS is a poor choice for anything but a static site.
    It would seem so at this point...

    Check to see the server status through the NetStatus Monitor
    Checked and the server is in the red (or pink), showing a 5 second delay.

    Last edited by Dybbuk; 09-17-2008 at 06:53 PM. Reason: Added a new load time at 23:50...

  5. #5
    omarfilip's Avatar
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    You can check your site through HostTracker [Website Uptime Monitoring Service] to make sure it's not your particular connection that's slow.

    In my experience, it was the overloaded VPS that was the bottleneck. It's my understanding that disk access is what slows the VPS down. Your site may be well within its resource allotment but disk access is like rush hour on an L.A. freeway.

  6. #6
    Dybbuk is offline No longer a Newbie
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    Thanks for the link - proved very useful and unfortunately the site was slow almost everywhere.

    Looking at a different package to VPS.



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